quick update:
We would have been able to leave before the holiday weekend but not eating for a week messed up the little guy's eating habits. So we were almost sent home with a feeding tube. Close enough that that they made me practice putting it in and checking placement. Not fun, but it is easier to do on a baby than an adult.
So, we've been back home for a week. (ya know, that place without internet access) As of today he's 10 lbs. that's just one ounce short of where he was when this whole mess started. The cardiologist said everything looks good and took him off of the lasix, but he's going to have to keep taking the captopril and digoxin for an undetermined amount of time. Maybe forever. That's OK with me, having to give him meds three times a day is do-able. His scar is just a red line down his chest (Dad says that for the rest of his life he'll always be "#1") and the bruising around it is almost gone.
Now if he'd only say amused by his mobile long enough for mom to get some work done. one handed typing is tedious.
Sing to me of sorrow and love for such is life. (Oh, and Cheese, Don't forget the Cheese!) Ok I admit it, more Cheese than anything else.
Tuesday, November 21, 2006
Friday, November 10, 2006
chuggin' along
As of last night things are still going really well. The day after he started eating the nurses let me breastfeed him again. It was a very scary thing to hold him again when he looks so broken in the middle. But by the second feeding he was back to laying on his side without a problem. The problem, was, that after I left he wasn't eating from a bottle well so while dad and I were gone for the night they put in a NasoGastric tube to feed him. (they did call us to let us know they were doing it) And yesterday when I got in there and tried to feed him again he would eat for a little bit, but then he would just lay there and cry. The nurse told me "sometimes babies just cry" but He just doesn't do that. In the two months I had him he only ever cried for a reason. Sometimes he just wanted to be held, but if your holding him and he's still crying there's a problem. After a bit he coughed up a whole bunch of frothy white mucus. The nurse said "Oh, he just needed to cough something up." Duh. The thing that irritated me was that she didn't listen when I told her that something was wrong. Clearing his lungs was something she couldn't have helped with but she could have listened to me instead of totally discounting what I said. I was probably a touch irritable too from trying to sleep in a chair at the baby's bedside again. I'm not going to to let myself be bullied into that again though. They have plenty of milk in the freezer.
Anyway, they pulled out the arterial line, and both of the remaining drains. And shortly before we transfered him out of the PCICU someone suggested that he might be irritated by the NG tube. So I got them to agree to pull out the tube after they ran a feeding into his stomach so that the next time I could try to get him back on the boob without the tube running down the back of his throat. So Last night he ate beautifully with the tube gone, and I'm hoping that he ate enough from the bottle last night that they didn't put it back in. So with that tube gone the only thing left in him is the PIC line that won't come out till they discharge him. Fine by me sine it allows access both ways and they won't have to stick him again. The poor kid has Mommy's skin and veins.
So in this ward they are going to be concentrating on getting him ready to go home. The main thing that they'll be looking for is how well he's eating. He has to be putting on weight again before he can leave. When this all started he weighed 10 lbs 1 oz, last night he weighed in at 9 lbs 7 oz. Not too bad considering that's he's barely eaten in the last week. We might go home as early as monday, but it'll probably be a little bit longer.
One more cool thing about living at RMH is all of the donations we get. From all of the day-olds at the closest starbucks (including chocolate croissants and cream cheese muffins) to free services from the local businesses. The closest salon offers free haircuts to residents. So I took advantage of it and got a haircut that I really like. I need to take a shower though, and I don't currently have access to a hairdryer so I'm a little sad. When I told all that to the night nurse she asked which salon it was. According to her haircuts there cost "a fortune". So I got the most expensive haircut of my life for free. Cool.
More news later.
Anyway, they pulled out the arterial line, and both of the remaining drains. And shortly before we transfered him out of the PCICU someone suggested that he might be irritated by the NG tube. So I got them to agree to pull out the tube after they ran a feeding into his stomach so that the next time I could try to get him back on the boob without the tube running down the back of his throat. So Last night he ate beautifully with the tube gone, and I'm hoping that he ate enough from the bottle last night that they didn't put it back in. So with that tube gone the only thing left in him is the PIC line that won't come out till they discharge him. Fine by me sine it allows access both ways and they won't have to stick him again. The poor kid has Mommy's skin and veins.
So in this ward they are going to be concentrating on getting him ready to go home. The main thing that they'll be looking for is how well he's eating. He has to be putting on weight again before he can leave. When this all started he weighed 10 lbs 1 oz, last night he weighed in at 9 lbs 7 oz. Not too bad considering that's he's barely eaten in the last week. We might go home as early as monday, but it'll probably be a little bit longer.
One more cool thing about living at RMH is all of the donations we get. From all of the day-olds at the closest starbucks (including chocolate croissants and cream cheese muffins) to free services from the local businesses. The closest salon offers free haircuts to residents. So I took advantage of it and got a haircut that I really like. I need to take a shower though, and I don't currently have access to a hairdryer so I'm a little sad. When I told all that to the night nurse she asked which salon it was. According to her haircuts there cost "a fortune". So I got the most expensive haircut of my life for free. Cool.
More news later.
Tuesday, November 07, 2006
Today was a great day
Yesterday wasn't bad either.
Hubby had gone home the night before to be able to go to class in the morning so my cousin came back up to keep me occupied. By the time we got to the hospital they had removed his catheter and the rectal temperature probe. And two or three lines that were going into various limbs. They put in a PIC line that would eventually replace one of the lines that were going directly into his heart. And they were letting him wake up more.
This morning when they were doing rounds they decided to go ahead and remove all three atrial lines one at a time so that they would be able to let him off of the sedation. When we arrived they had already removed the Left one, and after a bit we decided that we would head back to RMH to shower/shave/eat. They said that they were going to remove the two going to the right atrium and then give him time to wake up from the sedation. So they didn't expect to be taking him off of the respirator for a few hours. An hour and a half later I'm in the shower and they call to say they're about to extibate (is that how you spell that?) Little butt is breathing on his own and ate two ounces of breast milk from a bottle before zonking out. We were so happy we smiled all of the way back to the House, despite the crazy woman cursing on the shuttle.
Gotta go, Southwest Airlines is serving an early thanksgiving dinner at any moment, and we have a whole lot to be thankful for.
Hubby had gone home the night before to be able to go to class in the morning so my cousin came back up to keep me occupied. By the time we got to the hospital they had removed his catheter and the rectal temperature probe. And two or three lines that were going into various limbs. They put in a PIC line that would eventually replace one of the lines that were going directly into his heart. And they were letting him wake up more.
This morning when they were doing rounds they decided to go ahead and remove all three atrial lines one at a time so that they would be able to let him off of the sedation. When we arrived they had already removed the Left one, and after a bit we decided that we would head back to RMH to shower/shave/eat. They said that they were going to remove the two going to the right atrium and then give him time to wake up from the sedation. So they didn't expect to be taking him off of the respirator for a few hours. An hour and a half later I'm in the shower and they call to say they're about to extibate (is that how you spell that?) Little butt is breathing on his own and ate two ounces of breast milk from a bottle before zonking out. We were so happy we smiled all of the way back to the House, despite the crazy woman cursing on the shuttle.
Gotta go, Southwest Airlines is serving an early thanksgiving dinner at any moment, and we have a whole lot to be thankful for.
Sunday, November 05, 2006
Thank God for McDonald's
I'll probably start posting very frequently with updates since I now have internet access in the sitting area 20' away from my front door.
Right now I'll just give the short, short version of what's been going on:
September 1st: Had the most beautiful baby boy EVER by emergency c-section. 6lbs 1.4oz 18.5 in. The perfect picture of health was a wiz at breastfeeding and was only held back by the bedridden mess he knows as "Mommy".
November 1st: We went to the two month well-baby vist. First the doctor noticed a high breath rate, then I mentioned that his feeding was a little off since sunday, THEN she heard a murmur. Tests were done at our home kaiser office and they found that he had an enlarged heart that was basically causing congestive heart failure. CHF! In my georgous, happy, two month old baby! They were unable to find the reason and I ended up in two different ambulances with my baby until we were in the PCICU at UCSF. Luckily we have an amazing cardiologist here who found the problem right away. The found a "Misplaced Coronary Artery" (officially, abbreviated something like ALPACA, or ALCAPA) on the 2nd. Surgery on the 3rd, and today they closed his chest. The staff at the hospital is amazing, and they're always using the word "great" to describe how he's doing.
I'll try to expand more later, but right now I'm just trying to stay awake till my laundry is done.
My baby is "great" and the Social Worker at the hospital is a blessing.
She found Hubby and I a place at the SF Ronald McDonald house. It has everything we could need. We have an "apartment" with it's own bathroom and a big walk-in closet. There is plenty of food in this amazing, huge kitchen, and there is also reserved fridge and cupboard space for room. And other groups come by and make meals for the residents a few times a week. They have big washers and dryers in the basement (and 35cent cans of Coke...in San Francisco!!) There are electric breast pumps on each floor just like the ones at the hospital. Books, magazines, internet access.
And as long as he's in the hospital we can stay here. . .for free.
Next time you go by McDonalds, please throw some change in that little clear box.
Almost forgot. My BIL brought his laptop this weekend and blogged about what was going on.
Right now I'll just give the short, short version of what's been going on:
September 1st: Had the most beautiful baby boy EVER by emergency c-section. 6lbs 1.4oz 18.5 in. The perfect picture of health was a wiz at breastfeeding and was only held back by the bedridden mess he knows as "Mommy".
November 1st: We went to the two month well-baby vist. First the doctor noticed a high breath rate, then I mentioned that his feeding was a little off since sunday, THEN she heard a murmur. Tests were done at our home kaiser office and they found that he had an enlarged heart that was basically causing congestive heart failure. CHF! In my georgous, happy, two month old baby! They were unable to find the reason and I ended up in two different ambulances with my baby until we were in the PCICU at UCSF. Luckily we have an amazing cardiologist here who found the problem right away. The found a "Misplaced Coronary Artery" (officially, abbreviated something like ALPACA, or ALCAPA) on the 2nd. Surgery on the 3rd, and today they closed his chest. The staff at the hospital is amazing, and they're always using the word "great" to describe how he's doing.
I'll try to expand more later, but right now I'm just trying to stay awake till my laundry is done.
My baby is "great" and the Social Worker at the hospital is a blessing.
She found Hubby and I a place at the SF Ronald McDonald house. It has everything we could need. We have an "apartment" with it's own bathroom and a big walk-in closet. There is plenty of food in this amazing, huge kitchen, and there is also reserved fridge and cupboard space for room. And other groups come by and make meals for the residents a few times a week. They have big washers and dryers in the basement (and 35cent cans of Coke...in San Francisco!!) There are electric breast pumps on each floor just like the ones at the hospital. Books, magazines, internet access.
And as long as he's in the hospital we can stay here. . .for free.
Next time you go by McDonalds, please throw some change in that little clear box.
Almost forgot. My BIL brought his laptop this weekend and blogged about what was going on.
Monday, August 07, 2006
I'm not insane, this is perfectly normal.
Irritating a pregnant woman is like teasing a starving Lion by sticking your fingers through the bars. The only thing that will be surprising is how you ended up missing your whole arm.
I really should get a computer for the apartment before I'm arrested for maiming.
I really should get a computer for the apartment before I'm arrested for maiming.
Monday, July 31, 2006
I'm irritable, and you're stupid. . . This can't be good.
Sometimes you just want to tell a customer: No, you just suck.
getting a better quality nylon string will not help you learn how to tie it better. There is no magic string stick-um that will appear. Buy a ball-end string or go back to the boy scouts. They might also be able to help you learn how to tie your shoes.
I find it amazing that people will look at a pick display for ten minutes. And THEN they can't seem to figure out how it works. It's a bunch of little drawers. I'm sure that these people have seen a drawer before. So can someone tell me why you would stare at the front (where the "handle" and specimen are) and then reach around to the back and try pushing out all of the upper drawers trying to find the one you want? Or why you would stare at something an inch from your hand and expect me to spend my time pulling them out so you can look at them. Saturday a kid asked me
"Do you have any of these?" (placing his finger ON the drawer)
"Better yet, you could pull it out and look yourself"
I suppose I could have been nicer, and granted, it's no longer 114 degrees outside. But it was still over a hundred, and here I am; entering my ninth month, obviously sweating and miserable, with feet that are swollen bigger than my calves propped up on the counter. Why yes! Mr. Thirteen-year-old-with-a-bad-haircut, let me just hop up and help you with this item worth a quarter! Nah, I figured it was better to remove myself from the situation before I lost total control and tried to stab him with a sharpie.
I'm also thinking about printing out a flyer to hand to kids who are dropped off by their parents to waste time. A car will stop in front of the store just long enough for a couple of kids to jump out, and sometimes you can even hear Mom yell: "I'll be back in two hours/when I'm done shopping/ when I can stand the sight of you!" Or maybe I should just make up a baby-sitting invoice. . .Here kid give this to your mom. Tell her she owes me forty bucks for making sure you stayed out of trouble for the last three hours.
It's too hot to be this pregnant.
getting a better quality nylon string will not help you learn how to tie it better. There is no magic string stick-um that will appear. Buy a ball-end string or go back to the boy scouts. They might also be able to help you learn how to tie your shoes.
I find it amazing that people will look at a pick display for ten minutes. And THEN they can't seem to figure out how it works. It's a bunch of little drawers. I'm sure that these people have seen a drawer before. So can someone tell me why you would stare at the front (where the "handle" and specimen are) and then reach around to the back and try pushing out all of the upper drawers trying to find the one you want? Or why you would stare at something an inch from your hand and expect me to spend my time pulling them out so you can look at them. Saturday a kid asked me
"Do you have any of these?" (placing his finger ON the drawer)
"Better yet, you could pull it out and look yourself"
I suppose I could have been nicer, and granted, it's no longer 114 degrees outside. But it was still over a hundred, and here I am; entering my ninth month, obviously sweating and miserable, with feet that are swollen bigger than my calves propped up on the counter. Why yes! Mr. Thirteen-year-old-with-a-bad-haircut, let me just hop up and help you with this item worth a quarter! Nah, I figured it was better to remove myself from the situation before I lost total control and tried to stab him with a sharpie.
I'm also thinking about printing out a flyer to hand to kids who are dropped off by their parents to waste time. A car will stop in front of the store just long enough for a couple of kids to jump out, and sometimes you can even hear Mom yell: "I'll be back in two hours/when I'm done shopping/ when I can stand the sight of you!" Or maybe I should just make up a baby-sitting invoice. . .Here kid give this to your mom. Tell her she owes me forty bucks for making sure you stayed out of trouble for the last three hours.
It's too hot to be this pregnant.
Saturday, July 01, 2006
Post #100! How to torture the hormonal woman.
I'm still alive!
I know it's been almost 2 months, but I've been busy. We still haven't gotten any kind of internet connection at the apartment. And since I arrived back at the family music store we've gotten a new computer and switched over to DSL. I'll tell ya, it's reeeeeeally nice not to have to stop whatever I'm doing so that someone can use the phone or the credit card machine. But I still don't have the free time that I did at the last job to stay looking busy. Here I can actually find plenty of things to do.
I think I'll start making a list of rules for the music store as they come to mind. Starting with:
#1. If you can't tune the guitar, don't plug it in.
If you can't tell that it's off key, you won't get anything out of listening to it through an amp. (Willing to make exceptions for the Very Rare new player who wants to buy a signature Strat after only three months of lessons.)
I'm two months 'till my due date. That's a VERY scary thing. My ankles have dissapeared, I haven't worn a ring in weeks (except on a chain around my neck) I failed the first glucose test (by 4 flippin' points!) and had an abnormal draw ONCE on the fasting glucose test, so I'm going to have to go in and get a lecture on things I already know from the nutrition counselor. Luckily I'n normal enough they're not going to make me do daily testing and all of that crap. And can someone tell me, why, if they know they're going to have to draw blood four times in the next three hours, WHY can't you just put in an angiocath. When I asked the girl who was about to do the first stick I think she thought I was joking. Especially since she found a vein in my right arm without too much trouble. . . Yeah, that would be the one that everyone ends up using. But she was good at it, most phlebotomists can't catch my veins without a butterfly, or extreme discomfort. Left side was not nearly so easy. She alternated arms, and when she returned to the right for the the third stick, she actually said "You do have Other veins, Right?" ummm. . . not really. She ended up having to re-use the same veins with butterflies. I can't imagine what it would have been like with someone less capable, seeing as the fourth one felt like the average single stick. nrg. . .
I know it's been almost 2 months, but I've been busy. We still haven't gotten any kind of internet connection at the apartment. And since I arrived back at the family music store we've gotten a new computer and switched over to DSL. I'll tell ya, it's reeeeeeally nice not to have to stop whatever I'm doing so that someone can use the phone or the credit card machine. But I still don't have the free time that I did at the last job to stay looking busy. Here I can actually find plenty of things to do.
I think I'll start making a list of rules for the music store as they come to mind. Starting with:
#1. If you can't tune the guitar, don't plug it in.
If you can't tell that it's off key, you won't get anything out of listening to it through an amp. (Willing to make exceptions for the Very Rare new player who wants to buy a signature Strat after only three months of lessons.)
I'm two months 'till my due date. That's a VERY scary thing. My ankles have dissapeared, I haven't worn a ring in weeks (except on a chain around my neck) I failed the first glucose test (by 4 flippin' points!) and had an abnormal draw ONCE on the fasting glucose test, so I'm going to have to go in and get a lecture on things I already know from the nutrition counselor. Luckily I'n normal enough they're not going to make me do daily testing and all of that crap. And can someone tell me, why, if they know they're going to have to draw blood four times in the next three hours, WHY can't you just put in an angiocath. When I asked the girl who was about to do the first stick I think she thought I was joking. Especially since she found a vein in my right arm without too much trouble. . . Yeah, that would be the one that everyone ends up using. But she was good at it, most phlebotomists can't catch my veins without a butterfly, or extreme discomfort. Left side was not nearly so easy. She alternated arms, and when she returned to the right for the the third stick, she actually said "You do have Other veins, Right?" ummm. . . not really. She ended up having to re-use the same veins with butterflies. I can't imagine what it would have been like with someone less capable, seeing as the fourth one felt like the average single stick. nrg. . .
Monday, May 08, 2006
Please Stand By
I might not be posting for a bit.
I'm leaving my current job to go back to the family business.
Still don't have the internet at home, and the store is currently between computers at the moment. That should change soon, but I need to better behave myself at work anyway.
So I can't tell you just how long I'll be, but in the meantime. . .
Go put a tack on the Boss's chair for me.
I'm leaving my current job to go back to the family business.
Still don't have the internet at home, and the store is currently between computers at the moment. That should change soon, but I need to better behave myself at work anyway.
So I can't tell you just how long I'll be, but in the meantime. . .
Go put a tack on the Boss's chair for me.
Wednesday, May 03, 2006
Death by Cute.
Monday, May 01, 2006
My stomach, AKA: Audrey II
*Feed Me*
For the most part my appetite is back to normal. Hungry somewhere around three times a day for a normal-sized meal.
Then, for no apparent reason. . .
I haven't been this bottom-less since high-school. A few days ago I was a little hungry. So I made my self a bagel with cream cheese and some grapes. By the time I was done it had become, Bagel with Cream Cheese, 2 BUNCHES of grapes, a frozen burrito, a bowl of ramen, and 6 warm chocolate-chip cookies. Luckily, I only become a garbage disposal every few days. But I have finally started to gain weight. And I remember why eating chocolate chip cookie dough is a waste of time. just wait 10 minutes and you have a warm gooey wonderful thing that is soooo much better than a blob of greasy dough with cold hard chips that could potentially carry an added bonus of salmonella.
My baby hasn't even been born yet and Hubby has already taught him an annoying habit. A few posts ago I mentioned that Hubby thought it would be funny to press on my very full bladder right before a sonogram. The baby followed suit when he was done and kicked it. Now, very often before I'm aware that there is anything in my bladder it is being kicked. Yesterday it felt like I was only feeling him move when he wanted me to use the restroom. This is not amusing.
For the most part my appetite is back to normal. Hungry somewhere around three times a day for a normal-sized meal.
Then, for no apparent reason. . .
I haven't been this bottom-less since high-school. A few days ago I was a little hungry. So I made my self a bagel with cream cheese and some grapes. By the time I was done it had become, Bagel with Cream Cheese, 2 BUNCHES of grapes, a frozen burrito, a bowl of ramen, and 6 warm chocolate-chip cookies. Luckily, I only become a garbage disposal every few days. But I have finally started to gain weight. And I remember why eating chocolate chip cookie dough is a waste of time. just wait 10 minutes and you have a warm gooey wonderful thing that is soooo much better than a blob of greasy dough with cold hard chips that could potentially carry an added bonus of salmonella.
My baby hasn't even been born yet and Hubby has already taught him an annoying habit. A few posts ago I mentioned that Hubby thought it would be funny to press on my very full bladder right before a sonogram. The baby followed suit when he was done and kicked it. Now, very often before I'm aware that there is anything in my bladder it is being kicked. Yesterday it felt like I was only feeling him move when he wanted me to use the restroom. This is not amusing.
Tuesday, April 25, 2006
Sonogram #3

Profile at 21 Weeks. Yes! My baby has a brain!

Ok, these next two aren't showing up quite as nicely as the last one. But,
This sure LOOKS like a boy in this picture. What you are seeing are his knees and. . . well you are looking at a view from the bottom, so yeah, looks like a boy to me.

We've got a whole bunch more, but at the end, after being prodded around for a good ten minutes we got to watch our newly male baby rub it's eyes and yawn. Hubby just about wet himself, and the tech got a picture of the second one.
So, I now have a digital camera thanks to Hubby. It was the one thing I really wanted for my birthday (last Monday). I really prefer to be surprised by presents, but this was something that we were going to have to get soon anyway. I just haven't gotten around to reading most of the instruction manual, or sneaking it to work and doing some covert uploading. :)
For Hubby's B-day (Last Friday) I got him (with huge help from Dad) This Tascam 8-track digital recording mixing board thingy. . . Eh, I could probably think of the correct name for it but that would take more brain than I want to invest at the moment. He was BUGGING me about the 4-track version that records onto a regular cassette tape for WEEKS. To the point of asking me about it every day. He went into the store and made sure Dad knew what he wanted, so that I would get him the right thing. Dad surprised both of us by giving him the (much) nicer one. I still need to give him money-but that's an advantage to purchasing gifts at the family store- a very flexible payment plan :) So, to warn you, if you visit anytime in the next month Hubby will herd you into what has become the baby's room/recording studio. Though I must admit, the "World's Biggest Desk" almost works in there.
Friday, April 21, 2006
Wait. . . Strike that, Reverse it.
Last night we had another sonogram.
Did you know that a baby is not officially "diagnosed" as female until 24 Weeks?
Our baby appears to have suffered a misdiagnosis.
'cause that SURE LOOKS like a scrotum now to me.
I think we just had a better tech this time. I think the last one saw that I was 17W 6D and blew us off. This one did the measurements and said. . ."What are you having?"
"They said it was a girl last time" She gets a funny look on her face. "Why? Does it not look like one now?"
"Well. . ." She turns the monitor so I can see and points "THAT sure looks like a boy to me"
When we brought Hubby in he just about choked on his tounge.
Serves him right. As we were about to go in he pressed on my stomach as a joke. NOT very funny considering that you are supposed to have your bladder as full as you can stand when getting this ultrasound. Better yet was this terrible feeling that followed. . . a couple of jabs of extreme pressure that were almost too much to hold. It took me a few seconds to realize that the baby was kicking my very full bladder. J o y .
I'll post more when I add the pictures - there are a lot, and only one that looks disturbingly skull-like. But it probably won't be till monday.
See you soon!
Did you know that a baby is not officially "diagnosed" as female until 24 Weeks?
Our baby appears to have suffered a misdiagnosis.
'cause that SURE LOOKS like a scrotum now to me.
I think we just had a better tech this time. I think the last one saw that I was 17W 6D and blew us off. This one did the measurements and said. . ."What are you having?"
"They said it was a girl last time" She gets a funny look on her face. "Why? Does it not look like one now?"
"Well. . ." She turns the monitor so I can see and points "THAT sure looks like a boy to me"
When we brought Hubby in he just about choked on his tounge.
Serves him right. As we were about to go in he pressed on my stomach as a joke. NOT very funny considering that you are supposed to have your bladder as full as you can stand when getting this ultrasound. Better yet was this terrible feeling that followed. . . a couple of jabs of extreme pressure that were almost too much to hold. It took me a few seconds to realize that the baby was kicking my very full bladder. J o y .
I'll post more when I add the pictures - there are a lot, and only one that looks disturbingly skull-like. But it probably won't be till monday.
See you soon!
Friday, April 07, 2006
"I follow"
Ha hA!! I even used a song as the title of the post!
I had my ipod in my purse! So I was able to take the Walrus's challenge! Actually it was pretty fun. Basically, choose a "band" and use their song titles to answer the questions.
Band: Audra McDonald
Are you male or female? Mistress of the Senator
Describe yourself. Any Place I Hang My Hat is Home
How do some people feel about you? A Tragic Story
How do you feel about yourself? See What I Wanna See
Describe your ex: Beat My Dog
Describe your current significant other: You Don't Know This Man/I Must Have That Man!
Describe where you want to be: Way Back to Paradise
Describe how you live: Ain't It The Truth?/Baby Moon
Describe how you love: More Than You Know
What would you ask for if you had just one wish? How Glory Goes
Share a few words of wisdom: I Double Dare You
Now say goodbye: Lay Down Your Head.
Wow, I really need to listen to these albums more often!
Hee! Cheese!
I had my ipod in my purse! So I was able to take the Walrus's challenge! Actually it was pretty fun. Basically, choose a "band" and use their song titles to answer the questions.
Band: Audra McDonald
Are you male or female? Mistress of the Senator
Describe yourself. Any Place I Hang My Hat is Home
How do some people feel about you? A Tragic Story
How do you feel about yourself? See What I Wanna See
Describe your ex: Beat My Dog
Describe your current significant other: You Don't Know This Man/I Must Have That Man!
Describe where you want to be: Way Back to Paradise
Describe how you live: Ain't It The Truth?/Baby Moon
Describe how you love: More Than You Know
What would you ask for if you had just one wish? How Glory Goes
Share a few words of wisdom: I Double Dare You
Now say goodbye: Lay Down Your Head.
Wow, I really need to listen to these albums more often!
Hee! Cheese!
Monday, April 03, 2006
It's a. . . skull
I have discovered, sonograms can be creepy. I loved seeing my baby again, but it was just a little disturbing to see a little skull so clearly. It makes perfect sense that the harder surface of the bone would show up more clearly, so I'm not suddenly worried that my baby has no face, or something equally silly. I just wish that I'd gotten more than a quick glimpse of the facial features. (pause for rejection of breakfast) And I wish she hadn't given us a picture of our baby that looks like a prop in a horror movie. I don't know if I'll post either of the pictures she gave us, they're a little bit darker and more difficult to make out.
Anyway, we got a nice view from underneath, and even without the tech's opinion it was obvious. Negitive on the penis. In fact, there was a distinct impression of skin that featured the opposite. So now, we can stop fumbling around when we talk about the baby and just say "She". Funny, it actually takes some getting used to. And during the whole procedure She was much more active than we had seen her last time. Between her movement, and the fact that She was 17 weeks 6 days, we were asked to come back for additional measurements in a few weeks. Ooh, boy! I get to spend another few hours trying not to wet my pants. Yay.
Afterward, we went an got something to eat, and then went back by Babies-R-Us. Mostly, I wanted to get another look at the girl-oriented crib sets. I am Not a girly-girl. But Hubby made me promise weeks ago that until she says otherwise, our baby gets to be as girly as we can stand. Cathy promises me that it's actually fun when it's for your daughter and not you And I am perfectly willing to believe that. But I am not going to be saddled with some hideously frilly, flowery crib set if I can find anyway to avoid it. It was very reassuring to go and find that there were a handful of pink things that I would be able to stand. Better yet, Hubby and I agreed on which one we like best. But we still plan on waiting to register till we're a little closer to the first shower date. It was a lot of fun just to be able to go through and look at things a little closer.
I'm almost certian I've felt her move. It was similar the gas bubbles but it felt more, solid, I guess. Eh, I could be wrong. Either way I'm happy.
Anyway, we got a nice view from underneath, and even without the tech's opinion it was obvious. Negitive on the penis. In fact, there was a distinct impression of skin that featured the opposite. So now, we can stop fumbling around when we talk about the baby and just say "She". Funny, it actually takes some getting used to. And during the whole procedure She was much more active than we had seen her last time. Between her movement, and the fact that She was 17 weeks 6 days, we were asked to come back for additional measurements in a few weeks. Ooh, boy! I get to spend another few hours trying not to wet my pants. Yay.
Afterward, we went an got something to eat, and then went back by Babies-R-Us. Mostly, I wanted to get another look at the girl-oriented crib sets. I am Not a girly-girl. But Hubby made me promise weeks ago that until she says otherwise, our baby gets to be as girly as we can stand. Cathy promises me that it's actually fun when it's for your daughter and not you And I am perfectly willing to believe that. But I am not going to be saddled with some hideously frilly, flowery crib set if I can find anyway to avoid it. It was very reassuring to go and find that there were a handful of pink things that I would be able to stand. Better yet, Hubby and I agreed on which one we like best. But we still plan on waiting to register till we're a little closer to the first shower date. It was a lot of fun just to be able to go through and look at things a little closer.
I'm almost certian I've felt her move. It was similar the gas bubbles but it felt more, solid, I guess. Eh, I could be wrong. Either way I'm happy.
Tuesday, March 28, 2006
Update and a List
Last night I went in to the doctor's and they checked the heartbeat with a doppler. It was running between the 140's and 150's. And just for the record, I hate hate hate all of the: "Oh the heartbeat's ____, your gonna have a girl! Oh! You're craving _____, it's going to be a boy! Oh! you saw a red truck get walked on by a six toed cat with the mange. . . " I just wish that everyone would keep all of their stupid old-wives' tales to themselves. There's a 50/50 chance whatever it is will be right. I've had to deal with one major 50/50 results test -- THIS isn't it. As long as it's healthy and human I don't care what your Great-great-great grandmother says works every time. Have her go play roulette and win you some money. THEN I'll be impressed. Anyway, the big sonogram is on Thursday, so we should know then. (cue the stories about mistaken gender)
Anyway, my good friend, the Walrus, put a challenge in his blog. To list your twenty most means-something-to-me songs. I liked the idea. But I gave myself a rule: Only one listing per artist. I'm at work, and in the middle of moving, AND pregnant, so my brain has been a bit scattered of late. But anyway...
Sonja's Top 20 (in no particular order)
1. Your Daddy's Son - "Ragtime"
The most emotionally powerful song, EVER. And it has nothing to do with being pregnant. I made hubby cry the first time I sang it for him. Runner Up: A Little Fall of Rain - "Les Miserables"
2. Throwing Stones - Paula Cole
My favorite "Pissed-off-and-wanna-break-something" song.
3. Bring Me To Life - Evenescence
Proof, you can have a classical voice and still Rock. All you need is the right band.
4. Just a Girl - No Doubt
I am not what you think a girl should be. I know, and can do, more than you think. And if you put me down because I'm a girl. . . you'll learn real fast what "growing up with the boys" has taught me.
5. Lost in You - Chris Gaines (Garth Brooks)
I didn't think much of this song before I met Hubby. Now it's "Our Song".
6. White Flag - Dido
The chorus says a lot about where my life was for the last year-and-a-half. 'nuff said. Dido runner up: My Lover's Gone
7. Carmina Burana
One of the very few things I regret in life is being too sick with Mono to be onstage singing this piece. Yes, you have heard it.
8. El Paso - Marty Robbins
How can you not love a song as you watch your Grandfather, Father, and Cousins, act out the song every time they hear it. Hearing Hubby sing it on our first date might well be what did me in.
9. Dust In The Wind - Kansas
I fell in love with this song when I first heard it played on the "Highlander" series on TV. It used to be my Favorite overall, but it's amazing what finding out the results of a 50/50 test can do to your outlook on life.
10. Bohemian Rhapsody - Queen
I love Queen, but promised I'd keep it to one. This song is just FUN! Who doesn't at least FEEL the temptation to headbang???
11. Through the Night - Theme to "Outlaw Star"
It's rock, in Japanese, but I love it and sing along. And the translation of the words is just what I need to hear sometimes.
12. Cell Block Tango - "Chicago"
The first time I heard it was onstage. Before it was over I knew the chorus and the gist of the verses. Yeah, I liked it.
13. More Than Words - Extreme
Two guys and an acoustic in the middle of the Big hair/Bigger distortion era. Can you say Balls?
14. I Do - Lisa Loeb
A hit song about being pissed at your recording company for pressuring you to produce another hit song. I love irony.
15. Wild Horses - Chantal Kreviazuk (?)
Ok, I admit I can never remember her name (I'm not even sure that's it). But she's the one I, and probably most people, think of when I hear this song. I don't know what the Rolling Stones were trying to do, but this is proof that remakes can be better than the original.
16. Seven Spanish Angels - Ray Charles/Willie Nelson
Following the last one, this is the song I would jump at the chance to re-do. Not that they aren't both masters, but Willie should stick to writing, and Ray should have left the gospel choir at home. Yes, I think I could do better.
17. the Moulin Rouge Soundtrack
I know that I'm cheating a little bit - but there were so many things I loved about it! From just about falling out of my seat laughing so hard at "Like a Virgin" in the theater. To missing the high notes they added when I heard Elton John's original "Your Song" on the radio.
18. If You Could See - Geoff Moore and the Distance
This is how everyone wants someone else to feel about them. Last Line: If beauty is all in the eye of the beholder than I am beholding true beauty.
19. Beat My Dog - Audra McDonald
Just my favorite singer with an upright Bass, till the last chorus when they are joined by an acoustic. Sooo much fun, I can't listen to it without smiling.
20. Stonehenge - Spinal Tap
Too many good memories not to list a "Tap" song.
Anyway, my good friend, the Walrus, put a challenge in his blog. To list your twenty most means-something-to-me songs. I liked the idea. But I gave myself a rule: Only one listing per artist. I'm at work, and in the middle of moving, AND pregnant, so my brain has been a bit scattered of late. But anyway...
Sonja's Top 20 (in no particular order)
1. Your Daddy's Son - "Ragtime"
The most emotionally powerful song, EVER. And it has nothing to do with being pregnant. I made hubby cry the first time I sang it for him. Runner Up: A Little Fall of Rain - "Les Miserables"
2. Throwing Stones - Paula Cole
My favorite "Pissed-off-and-wanna-break-something" song.
3. Bring Me To Life - Evenescence
Proof, you can have a classical voice and still Rock. All you need is the right band.
4. Just a Girl - No Doubt
I am not what you think a girl should be. I know, and can do, more than you think. And if you put me down because I'm a girl. . . you'll learn real fast what "growing up with the boys" has taught me.
5. Lost in You - Chris Gaines (Garth Brooks)
I didn't think much of this song before I met Hubby. Now it's "Our Song".
6. White Flag - Dido
The chorus says a lot about where my life was for the last year-and-a-half. 'nuff said. Dido runner up: My Lover's Gone
7. Carmina Burana
One of the very few things I regret in life is being too sick with Mono to be onstage singing this piece. Yes, you have heard it.
8. El Paso - Marty Robbins
How can you not love a song as you watch your Grandfather, Father, and Cousins, act out the song every time they hear it. Hearing Hubby sing it on our first date might well be what did me in.
9. Dust In The Wind - Kansas
I fell in love with this song when I first heard it played on the "Highlander" series on TV. It used to be my Favorite overall, but it's amazing what finding out the results of a 50/50 test can do to your outlook on life.
10. Bohemian Rhapsody - Queen
I love Queen, but promised I'd keep it to one. This song is just FUN! Who doesn't at least FEEL the temptation to headbang???
11. Through the Night - Theme to "Outlaw Star"
It's rock, in Japanese, but I love it and sing along. And the translation of the words is just what I need to hear sometimes.
12. Cell Block Tango - "Chicago"
The first time I heard it was onstage. Before it was over I knew the chorus and the gist of the verses. Yeah, I liked it.
13. More Than Words - Extreme
Two guys and an acoustic in the middle of the Big hair/Bigger distortion era. Can you say Balls?
14. I Do - Lisa Loeb
A hit song about being pissed at your recording company for pressuring you to produce another hit song. I love irony.
15. Wild Horses - Chantal Kreviazuk (?)
Ok, I admit I can never remember her name (I'm not even sure that's it). But she's the one I, and probably most people, think of when I hear this song. I don't know what the Rolling Stones were trying to do, but this is proof that remakes can be better than the original.
16. Seven Spanish Angels - Ray Charles/Willie Nelson
Following the last one, this is the song I would jump at the chance to re-do. Not that they aren't both masters, but Willie should stick to writing, and Ray should have left the gospel choir at home. Yes, I think I could do better.
17. the Moulin Rouge Soundtrack
I know that I'm cheating a little bit - but there were so many things I loved about it! From just about falling out of my seat laughing so hard at "Like a Virgin" in the theater. To missing the high notes they added when I heard Elton John's original "Your Song" on the radio.
18. If You Could See - Geoff Moore and the Distance
This is how everyone wants someone else to feel about them. Last Line: If beauty is all in the eye of the beholder than I am beholding true beauty.
19. Beat My Dog - Audra McDonald
Just my favorite singer with an upright Bass, till the last chorus when they are joined by an acoustic. Sooo much fun, I can't listen to it without smiling.
20. Stonehenge - Spinal Tap
Too many good memories not to list a "Tap" song.
Thursday, March 23, 2006
I got Belly!
Wednesday, March 22, 2006
Baby stuff in the Hou. . Apartment!
So yesterday after work Hubby and I drove over to his Sister's and picked up the crib and changing table that will go in the baby's room. It's a set in a light colored wood, pretty basic, but that's all it needs to be right? There's also a stroller that we are going to get, but I'm not so thrilled with how old it is. The original baby has to be getting close to 10 by now. Of course Hubby has no idea how old he is. I guess there's no reason to worry until I have more information. I have two appointments next week, one with the OB, and the other in the Ultrasound room. At first Hubby said that he was going to be coming to every appointment with me. But after last time he isn't trying to get out of work for both, just the sonogram... maybe it was seeing things like a speculm and pap swab for the first time. Either way in just over a week we should be able to find out if we're having a girl or a boy. I don't think either of us has a preference, except human. But it will make picking things out and regestering sooo much easier.
Weekend before last I went up to Healdsburg with my Aunts and Cousins for a wedding shower. The whole thing was great fun (except for the cruddy bed I slept on). The town is full of cute little hoytie-toytie shops. As in: Oooh thats pretty, (picks up piece of china and sees the price tag) guh! . . I'm going to set this down very carefully now. Anyway, we went into this adorable baby shop. If I had known what I was having, I probably could have spent a LOT of money in there. But two of my aunts got Hubby and I a couple of gifts for me to take home. A beautiful wine red baby blanket, a little bear that looks a lot like a bath poof, but it's suuuper soft. And they both got us the same onesie (in different sizes) White, long sleeves, with "Got Boob?" on the front. Hubby just about wet his pants when he saw them. I love my family.
My cousin (the one not getting married) also came up with a brilliant idea. I was a little worried about the baby shower. Because I know how excited my Mom is about this baby. I mean, she called my Grandmother and told her, including the due date! I can't believe she got out that many legible words at once. I don't know if she will be able to hold it, but it may be the only Grandchild she gets to see. The thing that worried me was that we were planning on having one BIG baby shower. Since Hubby and I ran off to Tahoe, and then each family did their own thing, most of our relatives have never met. So this seemed to be the last good excuse to get everyone together. But the only member of his family who has actually seen my Mom is my MIL, and that was years ago, when she was still mostly functional. And while the adults might do O.K. an event this big is going to have kids. How do you explain to almost 20 kids what a neurodegenerative disease is? So my cousin and I were talking about how this might work, and she suggested doing a small shower just for Mom. The "Girl's Group" used to go on at least one trip together a year, and they were in charge of all of the family get-togethers. They've tried to keep in touch with her, and visit her, but most of the time it just isn't a good idea. So there will be 9-12 people there, including me. And it will be more in her honor than mine. Which is fine by me. It just made me so happy that they want to take the time and effort to do that for her.
anyway, i need to finish what i was doing
Oh! and I made a ticker! Innit cool?!
Weekend before last I went up to Healdsburg with my Aunts and Cousins for a wedding shower. The whole thing was great fun (except for the cruddy bed I slept on). The town is full of cute little hoytie-toytie shops. As in: Oooh thats pretty, (picks up piece of china and sees the price tag) guh! . . I'm going to set this down very carefully now. Anyway, we went into this adorable baby shop. If I had known what I was having, I probably could have spent a LOT of money in there. But two of my aunts got Hubby and I a couple of gifts for me to take home. A beautiful wine red baby blanket, a little bear that looks a lot like a bath poof, but it's suuuper soft. And they both got us the same onesie (in different sizes) White, long sleeves, with "Got Boob?" on the front. Hubby just about wet his pants when he saw them. I love my family.
My cousin (the one not getting married) also came up with a brilliant idea. I was a little worried about the baby shower. Because I know how excited my Mom is about this baby. I mean, she called my Grandmother and told her, including the due date! I can't believe she got out that many legible words at once. I don't know if she will be able to hold it, but it may be the only Grandchild she gets to see. The thing that worried me was that we were planning on having one BIG baby shower. Since Hubby and I ran off to Tahoe, and then each family did their own thing, most of our relatives have never met. So this seemed to be the last good excuse to get everyone together. But the only member of his family who has actually seen my Mom is my MIL, and that was years ago, when she was still mostly functional. And while the adults might do O.K. an event this big is going to have kids. How do you explain to almost 20 kids what a neurodegenerative disease is? So my cousin and I were talking about how this might work, and she suggested doing a small shower just for Mom. The "Girl's Group" used to go on at least one trip together a year, and they were in charge of all of the family get-togethers. They've tried to keep in touch with her, and visit her, but most of the time it just isn't a good idea. So there will be 9-12 people there, including me. And it will be more in her honor than mine. Which is fine by me. It just made me so happy that they want to take the time and effort to do that for her.
anyway, i need to finish what i was doing
Oh! and I made a ticker! Innit cool?!
Monday, March 20, 2006
Radio in the Morning
I usually listen to the radio in the mornings. Not so much for the music as for what's going on with the DJs. If something on the radio makes me laugh, it's either a morning show, or LoveLine. And believe it or not, we don't listen to Loveline much anymore. It's kind of like watching the Jerry Springer show. You wonder which messed up person is going to call in tonight.
Anyway, I wanted to post something I heard this morning, because it made me laugh. AND I want to tell hubby about it, but I'm sure if I don't write it down I'll forget about it by tonight.
Almost everyone has had their car, or something they left in the car stolen. (If I ever run into that tow-truck driver in a dark alley, he won't be coming out) So we can all identify with the feeling of discovering something that probably had some value is gone. Even if it's just the window they broke to get in and steal a bag of garbage. Moving on, I think they said that this took place in the Netherlands, but don't hold me to it, I wasn't writing anything down. A man had his car stolen. In the car was two suitcases. A group of teenagers took it on a 48 hour joyride and abandoned it on the side of the road. When the man learned it's whereabouts he rushed to find the car. Both suitcases were still inside just as they had been left, totally unmolested. The man was a diamond salesman. One suitcase contained gems, and the other contained cash from a recent transaction.
If it's a true story, I think it would be safe to say that He was the happiest man on earth for a minute or two.
Anyway, I wanted to post something I heard this morning, because it made me laugh. AND I want to tell hubby about it, but I'm sure if I don't write it down I'll forget about it by tonight.
Almost everyone has had their car, or something they left in the car stolen. (If I ever run into that tow-truck driver in a dark alley, he won't be coming out) So we can all identify with the feeling of discovering something that probably had some value is gone. Even if it's just the window they broke to get in and steal a bag of garbage. Moving on, I think they said that this took place in the Netherlands, but don't hold me to it, I wasn't writing anything down. A man had his car stolen. In the car was two suitcases. A group of teenagers took it on a 48 hour joyride and abandoned it on the side of the road. When the man learned it's whereabouts he rushed to find the car. Both suitcases were still inside just as they had been left, totally unmolested. The man was a diamond salesman. One suitcase contained gems, and the other contained cash from a recent transaction.
If it's a true story, I think it would be safe to say that He was the happiest man on earth for a minute or two.
Wednesday, March 15, 2006
Digging yourself in Deeper
Last night I watched "Two Weeks Notice" with Hubby. He probably didn't think much of it, but I had a good time. It felt a lot like "Miss Congeiniality", (more so than the sequal) and if you liked that one you'll probably enjoy this as well.
My favorite quote (and probably Hubby's as well):
Lucy Kelson: I think your the most selfish human being on the planet.
George Wade: Well that's just silly. Have you met everybody on the planet?
The reason being: it sounds exactly like something I would say. Especially in the middle of an argument. I have a tendancy to focus in on stupid things that are technically incorrect and basically get myself into bigger trouble because I couldn't ignore it like a normal person.
I will post about the weekend. . .later
My favorite quote (and probably Hubby's as well):
Lucy Kelson: I think your the most selfish human being on the planet.
George Wade: Well that's just silly. Have you met everybody on the planet?
The reason being: it sounds exactly like something I would say. Especially in the middle of an argument. I have a tendancy to focus in on stupid things that are technically incorrect and basically get myself into bigger trouble because I couldn't ignore it like a normal person.
I will post about the weekend. . .later
Tuesday, March 07, 2006
Strange Days
First of all, I'm not seeing the post I did yesterday even though I can pull it up to edit. Weird.
Second strange thing: This morning I woke up before the alarm went off. Which isn't that unusual. If I know it's going to go off, I frequently wake up a few minutes before hand, just so I can be falling back asleep as it goes off. But this morning, I waited for it to go off, and waited, and finally looked at my phone for the time. 3AM ugh.
Third strange thing: On Saturday I was at the family business (I left last May) talking to my Grandmother when she asked me how far along I was.
"14 Weeks"
"That makes you. . .just over three months. OOOooh you better be careful, that's when most people miscarry"
"Actually, They say the majority of miscarrage happens by the 12th Week"
"Well! That's when both of Mine happened!"
Oh yes, now I feel better.
On a brighter note, I'm really looking forward to this weekend. The family is throwing a wedding shower for my cousin. They've rented something called "River House" for the weekend, and all the adult girls are going up there. Actually except for my aunts, grandmother, and the other female cousin I don't know how many will be there. But I get to leave early on Friday so that I can carpool up. Mom was invited too, but I didn't even want to show her the card. I know they invited her to be nice, and didn't expect her to be able to come anyway. I'm just really looking forward to a little time off from everything that's been going on. And I'll have a chance to talk to the cousin who is due to have her second child in July. Hubby gets to stay home and behave himself. I get to track down a suitcase.
Second strange thing: This morning I woke up before the alarm went off. Which isn't that unusual. If I know it's going to go off, I frequently wake up a few minutes before hand, just so I can be falling back asleep as it goes off. But this morning, I waited for it to go off, and waited, and finally looked at my phone for the time. 3AM ugh.
Third strange thing: On Saturday I was at the family business (I left last May) talking to my Grandmother when she asked me how far along I was.
"14 Weeks"
"That makes you. . .just over three months. OOOooh you better be careful, that's when most people miscarry"
"Actually, They say the majority of miscarrage happens by the 12th Week"
"Well! That's when both of Mine happened!"
Oh yes, now I feel better.
On a brighter note, I'm really looking forward to this weekend. The family is throwing a wedding shower for my cousin. They've rented something called "River House" for the weekend, and all the adult girls are going up there. Actually except for my aunts, grandmother, and the other female cousin I don't know how many will be there. But I get to leave early on Friday so that I can carpool up. Mom was invited too, but I didn't even want to show her the card. I know they invited her to be nice, and didn't expect her to be able to come anyway. I'm just really looking forward to a little time off from everything that's been going on. And I'll have a chance to talk to the cousin who is due to have her second child in July. Hubby gets to stay home and behave himself. I get to track down a suitcase.
Monday, March 06, 2006
Sitting is good
Well, We're not anywhere near done moving. But we now have a place to sit, YAY! We now have a couch with only one stain that I've noticed. The chair we were offered turned out to be huge and according to Hubby, um. . .ill suited to our collective sense of decor. (I think that's a nice way to put it) So we will probably pull out one of the recliners that we were using in the studio. Most of the stuff in the kitchen has been washed and put away, and we found a new coffee maker at a thrift shop for 5 bucks. The last one didn't survive the year in storage very well, must have been hot in there. And the microwave is off the floor and sitting on the sewing machine that I don't know how to use anyway.
My appetite seems to be returning, at least after I start eating. But I'm afraid of dinner tonight. Hubby has had a bit of trouble adapting to the electric stove. He doesn't believe that it gets hot unless you turn it above medium-high. And I don't know what he did with the pizza last night. But the score is currently Me 3, Hubby -2. Maybe I can get him to do microwaved pot-pies tonight, I know he's done that before.
You don't realize how much you sit until there is nothing to sit on. I don't mind the floor, but if you're over the age of 10 you only want to sit indian-style for so long. I think that we have a table lined up, but it won't have chairs. There's still so much to do, and I really don't want to bother after work.
(Arrgh! for some reason my computer isn't allowing me to pull up certian blogs, including mine! irritating!)
My appetite seems to be returning, at least after I start eating. But I'm afraid of dinner tonight. Hubby has had a bit of trouble adapting to the electric stove. He doesn't believe that it gets hot unless you turn it above medium-high. And I don't know what he did with the pizza last night. But the score is currently Me 3, Hubby -2. Maybe I can get him to do microwaved pot-pies tonight, I know he's done that before.
You don't realize how much you sit until there is nothing to sit on. I don't mind the floor, but if you're over the age of 10 you only want to sit indian-style for so long. I think that we have a table lined up, but it won't have chairs. There's still so much to do, and I really don't want to bother after work.
(Arrgh! for some reason my computer isn't allowing me to pull up certian blogs, including mine! irritating!)
Friday, March 03, 2006
One more reason
That my Hubby is super cool.
***Note, this is not the most recent entry. If you do not see anything more current please hit the curren month in the archives on the sidebar.****
I sleep with a bunny.
It's name is cupcake and I've had it since I was 4 (I think, I could be a year off)
One day I WILL send it to that "Teddy Bear Rescue" place
It has been getting even more cuddle time since my boobs blew up- it makes sleeping more comfortable to have it wedged between 'em.
When I walked into our new bedroom after work on wednesday there was:
He forgot his bike to get to work the next day, but he brought my bunny.
***Note, this is not the most recent entry. If you do not see anything more current please hit the curren month in the archives on the sidebar.****
I sleep with a bunny.
It's name is cupcake and I've had it since I was 4 (I think, I could be a year off)
One day I WILL send it to that "Teddy Bear Rescue" place
It has been getting even more cuddle time since my boobs blew up- it makes sleeping more comfortable to have it wedged between 'em.
When I walked into our new bedroom after work on wednesday there was:
He forgot his bike to get to work the next day, but he brought my bunny.
So last night Hubby had to work till 8, and I had to decide what to make for dinner. The more I thought about it, the more I wanted curry. I have this great recipie for a super easy Thai curry. Usually we add onions and potatoes and carrots (and more depending on the mood) But since I haven't made it in a year I decided to stick with the original, for the most part. It was wonderful, and more than enough for both of us considering that my stomach is still trying to convice me that I don't need to eat.
We ate, and I wasn't able to finish what was in my bowl, so I was a good girl and put it in one of the few clean storage containers for lunch the next day. Since we'd been up till 1 the previous night I was dead tired and in bed by 9:30. Just as I was falling asleep, there it was, the "Hot Saliva". At one time, that alone would send me rushing to the bathroom, but recently I can get it to go away after a bit. Unfortunately, that wasn't going to happen last night, and all of my hard work was lost. I don't know if it was too rich, too spicy, or too much fish sauce, but it is unlikely to be made again for a while. Even worse, (than total rejection of one of my favorite meals) I have to figure out what's going to be for dinner tonight. I hope I have more luck.
REALLY looking forward to the weekend. Hopefully by monday we'll at least have a place to sit other than the bed. It's hard to figure out if we want to put the books in the bookshelf if we might just want to move it again once we get more furniture. And Hubby wants us to put contact paper in the shelves before we wash too many of the dishes. Maybe after work I'll see if I can find something half-way decent at the dollar store, I want to get some of those cheap plastic cutting boards that you can throw in the dishwasher anyway.
This weekend I will:
A) Sleep in
B) Enjoy the Bathtub
C) Continue transporting and putting away things in the apartment.
Hmmmm, slippers, I want fuzzy slippers that are cooshy and just durable enough to take out the trash. . . yeah. . . AND I want them girly enough that Hubby can't steal them.
We ate, and I wasn't able to finish what was in my bowl, so I was a good girl and put it in one of the few clean storage containers for lunch the next day. Since we'd been up till 1 the previous night I was dead tired and in bed by 9:30. Just as I was falling asleep, there it was, the "Hot Saliva". At one time, that alone would send me rushing to the bathroom, but recently I can get it to go away after a bit. Unfortunately, that wasn't going to happen last night, and all of my hard work was lost. I don't know if it was too rich, too spicy, or too much fish sauce, but it is unlikely to be made again for a while. Even worse, (than total rejection of one of my favorite meals) I have to figure out what's going to be for dinner tonight. I hope I have more luck.
REALLY looking forward to the weekend. Hopefully by monday we'll at least have a place to sit other than the bed. It's hard to figure out if we want to put the books in the bookshelf if we might just want to move it again once we get more furniture. And Hubby wants us to put contact paper in the shelves before we wash too many of the dishes. Maybe after work I'll see if I can find something half-way decent at the dollar store, I want to get some of those cheap plastic cutting boards that you can throw in the dishwasher anyway.
This weekend I will:
A) Sleep in
B) Enjoy the Bathtub
C) Continue transporting and putting away things in the apartment.
Hmmmm, slippers, I want fuzzy slippers that are cooshy and just durable enough to take out the trash. . . yeah. . . AND I want them girly enough that Hubby can't steal them.
Thursday, March 02, 2006
I'm still here
Or, there. We've spent the last few weeks working on finding a new place to live. And I'm happy to report that we started moving into a nice two bedroom Apartment yesterday. There's a washer, dryer, dishwasher, garbage disposal, AND, no glaring signs of illegal activities nearby. My wonderful husband and his brother spent most of yesterday moving, and I have discovered that I am a wimp. No kidding, we have a pretty big microwave, and when we first got it I had to move it through doorways much too small all by myself. Heavy and awkward, but doable. Last night, when we were picking up a bunch of stuff from storage, Hubby was standing in the bed of the truck we were using and asked me to hand it to him. So I bend down, being good and remembering to bend from the knees, and try to pick it up. . .Ok, I need more leverage (butt starts to rise). . .still not working. . .I think he waited until my butt was actually higher than my head before taking over. I carried a few of the smaller/lighter things upstairs, but after carrying a SMALL box of cookbooks, I was done for the night. So I started loading things into the dishwasher instead, while poor sweet Hubby humped the rest up the stairs by his lonesome. Well, at least he doesn't have to be at work until 12 so he can sleep in.
So, lemme see. . . before I return to our new home I need to:
A) Decide what to make for dinner
B) Stop by my parent's and pick up more stuff
C) Go buy whatever I'm going to make for dinner
D) Make sure that the dishes I need to cook with are clean (nothing is, after being in storage for a year)
E) Make dinner
F) Be sorting/putting away things whenever I get the chance.
Do you think they'd notice if I left early?
So, lemme see. . . before I return to our new home I need to:
A) Decide what to make for dinner
B) Stop by my parent's and pick up more stuff
C) Go buy whatever I'm going to make for dinner
D) Make sure that the dishes I need to cook with are clean (nothing is, after being in storage for a year)
E) Make dinner
F) Be sorting/putting away things whenever I get the chance.
Do you think they'd notice if I left early?
Tuesday, February 14, 2006
Craving of the Day
Ok, it was actually Sunday that I got the craving (and Hubby was sweet enough to get them) but I have been eating them since then:
I wanted dried fruit, but apricots were too sour, and raisins are dissapointing. So what else is as easily accessible?
Exerpt from last night's appt:
"Have any Morning Sickness?"
I know that I've had it pretty dang easy with the morning sickness, but still, GOOD never entered my mind.
I wanted dried fruit, but apricots were too sour, and raisins are dissapointing. So what else is as easily accessible?
Exerpt from last night's appt:
"Have any Morning Sickness?"
I know that I've had it pretty dang easy with the morning sickness, but still, GOOD never entered my mind.
Wednesday, February 01, 2006
Tuesday, January 31, 2006
Two Words:
Dear snot it's not fair. Yesterday I was practically giddy. Today I want to crawl in a hole and. . .not even die, that would require too much effort. I'm so tired all of the time, give me a chance and I will fall asleep standing up.
And work is not helping. I may have hated working in the Music Box, but at least people could like me. Now I'm the terrible "Accounting Monster" that you blame everything on when you screw up. Or you battle the "AM" hoping it will give in and do your job for you. The "AM" is your enemy, and you cannot be nice, polite is even too much to ask unless someone else is standing there. I'm too tired to deal with this bullshit all of the time. And I'm not looking forward to telling them that I'm pregnant because it will lead to a whole new line of flase-caring-bullcrap that I don't want to have to act like I appriciate. I hate the fact that (even though I need it) I spend half of my lunch asleep in the car. I hate spending 9 hours a day in a room where people laugh at the email I send out to advertise a performance. I hate the fact that I can't talk on the phone without having what I say be taken out of context by one of the 5 people within easy earshot. 9 hours, and I can't get anyone to talk to me for 15 minutes.
Who knows, give me a few hours, or a night's sleep, and my mood may be on an upswing again.
At least I'm not so upset that I'm thinking about giving myself a haircut this time.
Dear snot it's not fair. Yesterday I was practically giddy. Today I want to crawl in a hole and. . .not even die, that would require too much effort. I'm so tired all of the time, give me a chance and I will fall asleep standing up.
And work is not helping. I may have hated working in the Music Box, but at least people could like me. Now I'm the terrible "Accounting Monster" that you blame everything on when you screw up. Or you battle the "AM" hoping it will give in and do your job for you. The "AM" is your enemy, and you cannot be nice, polite is even too much to ask unless someone else is standing there. I'm too tired to deal with this bullshit all of the time. And I'm not looking forward to telling them that I'm pregnant because it will lead to a whole new line of flase-caring-bullcrap that I don't want to have to act like I appriciate. I hate the fact that (even though I need it) I spend half of my lunch asleep in the car. I hate spending 9 hours a day in a room where people laugh at the email I send out to advertise a performance. I hate the fact that I can't talk on the phone without having what I say be taken out of context by one of the 5 people within easy earshot. 9 hours, and I can't get anyone to talk to me for 15 minutes.
Who knows, give me a few hours, or a night's sleep, and my mood may be on an upswing again.
At least I'm not so upset that I'm thinking about giving myself a haircut this time.
Friday, January 27, 2006
Out of Touch
I'm sorry that I haven't been talking to anyone much. Just so you know what you're currently missing, this conversation happens every 2-3 days.
Rich: What's the matter?
MTB: Nothing
Rich: Then why are you crying?
MTB: I'm pregnant, I'm allowed to cry whenever I want.
I'm reading all of these things that say I should measure my waist and weigh myself regularly. But I'm having a hard time getting motivated. After all, right now I don't look pregnant, I look fat. I mean, I was planning on getting back in the gym after the holidays. Well, shit. I'm not supposed to LOSE weight anymore. Only gain it. Couldn't it have waited til I lost 10-40 pounds?
Anyway, I'm 9 weeks along now. And nothing too exciting to report, except that I really should pull all of those maternity clothes out of the car and start going through them. My waist IS getting wider.
If anyone wants to know how I'm doing, feel free to call. I'm just sitting around doin nothing most of the time I'm not at work lately, because Rich has been looking for a job. I wish I earned enough for him to keep going to school, but I don't. And we REALLY need to get our own place. We don't fight often, but when we do, it's usually about the living conditions. There's just too many living entities in this house to be able to keep it clean in your spare time. (especially when 6 out of 10 life forms only make messes, and 2 of those remaining don't really care) It's funny to want my own place so that I can CLEAN.
The job he's circling at the moment would probably be nights/weekends without very many hours, or much money. But it's a start. And anytime there needs to be at least 14 people in the store at all times people are going to call in sick right? That's how I moved up so fast in the gym. If you're always available to sub, pretty soon they just prefer you anyway.
I should be working right now. I just wanted to post the little recurring conversation, and look what happened. Maybe I should go back to posting more often again.
Rich: What's the matter?
MTB: Nothing
Rich: Then why are you crying?
MTB: I'm pregnant, I'm allowed to cry whenever I want.
I'm reading all of these things that say I should measure my waist and weigh myself regularly. But I'm having a hard time getting motivated. After all, right now I don't look pregnant, I look fat. I mean, I was planning on getting back in the gym after the holidays. Well, shit. I'm not supposed to LOSE weight anymore. Only gain it. Couldn't it have waited til I lost 10-40 pounds?
Anyway, I'm 9 weeks along now. And nothing too exciting to report, except that I really should pull all of those maternity clothes out of the car and start going through them. My waist IS getting wider.
If anyone wants to know how I'm doing, feel free to call. I'm just sitting around doin nothing most of the time I'm not at work lately, because Rich has been looking for a job. I wish I earned enough for him to keep going to school, but I don't. And we REALLY need to get our own place. We don't fight often, but when we do, it's usually about the living conditions. There's just too many living entities in this house to be able to keep it clean in your spare time. (especially when 6 out of 10 life forms only make messes, and 2 of those remaining don't really care) It's funny to want my own place so that I can CLEAN.
The job he's circling at the moment would probably be nights/weekends without very many hours, or much money. But it's a start. And anytime there needs to be at least 14 people in the store at all times people are going to call in sick right? That's how I moved up so fast in the gym. If you're always available to sub, pretty soon they just prefer you anyway.
I should be working right now. I just wanted to post the little recurring conversation, and look what happened. Maybe I should go back to posting more often again.
Tuesday, January 24, 2006
The Names have been changed. . .Because it's expected.
So I was listening to the radio this morning on the way to work, and they were talking about their "Top 5- Worst Rejections". And I was very close to calling in with an event that transpired over the weekend. But then I remembered "wiener Wednesday". Where you submit stories of how you've been wronged, or wronged someone else, in hopes of winning prizes.
wish me luck.
Dear Shawn and Jeff,
I was not present at this prime example of Weinerdom. But, a witness has confirmed the events, and as you will see, I have every right to humiliate the Weiner as far as I see fit.
Saturday night was the closing of a show I was doing sound for at a local theater. And apparently a crush had developed. "Bambi" decided to write down her phone number and give it to "Ryan". Using a piece of tissue, she tucked it in the back of his shirt, as if his tag had been sticking out. Later when he was getting ready for the show it fell out. Another actress was standing there and told him it wasn't hers, but it sure looked like someone's lip-liner. Later "Bambi" joined them. "Ryan" recognized the first three digits of the number and asked:
"Bambi, do you have AT&T?" She nods.
"Did you stick your phone number in my shirt?" She nods, a little slower and kind-of coyly.
"Ryan" crumpled the paper into a little ball, and pressed it to her lips, trying to shove it in her mouth, before storming off in complete disgust. Leaving "Bambi" behind, with the other actress, who was trying desperately not to laugh. Poor "Bambi" seemed a little depressed the rest of the night.
Where do I fit in? The day after Christmas I found out I was pregnant. That would make it a month of everyone in the theater, including "Bambi", offering congratulations, advice, and talking about baby showers, to me . . .and my husband of two years, "Ryan".
My only regret is that I was not told until after we got home. Preventing me from humiliating her in front of the party we all attended later that night. Maybe I'm a wiener for wanting to verbally decimate her in public, but I can't wait till I see her again.
A Smug Mother-To-Be
One of my favorite parts, that didn't really fit in the story, was about how the other actress involved had been dating someone who turned out to be a major scumbag. We all agreed that this man was absolute filth because while he was out playing with her, he had a pregnant wife at home. Yup, even Ch. . . "Bambi", said he was slime.
Who's the slime now?
wish me luck.
Dear Shawn and Jeff,
I was not present at this prime example of Weinerdom. But, a witness has confirmed the events, and as you will see, I have every right to humiliate the Weiner as far as I see fit.
Saturday night was the closing of a show I was doing sound for at a local theater. And apparently a crush had developed. "Bambi" decided to write down her phone number and give it to "Ryan". Using a piece of tissue, she tucked it in the back of his shirt, as if his tag had been sticking out. Later when he was getting ready for the show it fell out. Another actress was standing there and told him it wasn't hers, but it sure looked like someone's lip-liner. Later "Bambi" joined them. "Ryan" recognized the first three digits of the number and asked:
"Bambi, do you have AT&T?" She nods.
"Did you stick your phone number in my shirt?" She nods, a little slower and kind-of coyly.
"Ryan" crumpled the paper into a little ball, and pressed it to her lips, trying to shove it in her mouth, before storming off in complete disgust. Leaving "Bambi" behind, with the other actress, who was trying desperately not to laugh. Poor "Bambi" seemed a little depressed the rest of the night.
Where do I fit in? The day after Christmas I found out I was pregnant. That would make it a month of everyone in the theater, including "Bambi", offering congratulations, advice, and talking about baby showers, to me . . .and my husband of two years, "Ryan".
My only regret is that I was not told until after we got home. Preventing me from humiliating her in front of the party we all attended later that night. Maybe I'm a wiener for wanting to verbally decimate her in public, but I can't wait till I see her again.
A Smug Mother-To-Be
One of my favorite parts, that didn't really fit in the story, was about how the other actress involved had been dating someone who turned out to be a major scumbag. We all agreed that this man was absolute filth because while he was out playing with her, he had a pregnant wife at home. Yup, even Ch. . . "Bambi", said he was slime.
Who's the slime now?
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