Friday, March 03, 2006


So last night Hubby had to work till 8, and I had to decide what to make for dinner. The more I thought about it, the more I wanted curry. I have this great recipie for a super easy Thai curry. Usually we add onions and potatoes and carrots (and more depending on the mood) But since I haven't made it in a year I decided to stick with the original, for the most part. It was wonderful, and more than enough for both of us considering that my stomach is still trying to convice me that I don't need to eat.

We ate, and I wasn't able to finish what was in my bowl, so I was a good girl and put it in one of the few clean storage containers for lunch the next day. Since we'd been up till 1 the previous night I was dead tired and in bed by 9:30. Just as I was falling asleep, there it was, the "Hot Saliva". At one time, that alone would send me rushing to the bathroom, but recently I can get it to go away after a bit. Unfortunately, that wasn't going to happen last night, and all of my hard work was lost. I don't know if it was too rich, too spicy, or too much fish sauce, but it is unlikely to be made again for a while. Even worse, (than total rejection of one of my favorite meals) I have to figure out what's going to be for dinner tonight. I hope I have more luck.

REALLY looking forward to the weekend. Hopefully by monday we'll at least have a place to sit other than the bed. It's hard to figure out if we want to put the books in the bookshelf if we might just want to move it again once we get more furniture. And Hubby wants us to put contact paper in the shelves before we wash too many of the dishes. Maybe after work I'll see if I can find something half-way decent at the dollar store, I want to get some of those cheap plastic cutting boards that you can throw in the dishwasher anyway.

This weekend I will:

A) Sleep in
B) Enjoy the Bathtub
C) Continue transporting and putting away things in the apartment.

Hmmmm, slippers, I want fuzzy slippers that are cooshy and just durable enough to take out the trash. . . yeah. . . AND I want them girly enough that Hubby can't steal them.


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