Friday, March 03, 2006

One more reason

That my Hubby is super cool.

***Note, this is not the most recent entry. If you do not see anything more current please hit the curren month in the archives on the sidebar.****

I sleep with a bunny.
It's name is cupcake and I've had it since I was 4 (I think, I could be a year off)
One day I WILL send it to that "Teddy Bear Rescue" place
It has been getting even more cuddle time since my boobs blew up- it makes sleeping more comfortable to have it wedged between 'em.

When I walked into our new bedroom after work on wednesday there was:

He forgot his bike to get to work the next day, but he brought my bunny.

1 comment:

Chastity said...

He he...I still sleep with my childhood blanket. My mom always told me I'd have to give it up when I got married, but my husband doesn't mind my little quirks. Your husband sounds very sweet too.