Monday, March 06, 2006

Sitting is good

Well, We're not anywhere near done moving. But we now have a place to sit, YAY! We now have a couch with only one stain that I've noticed. The chair we were offered turned out to be huge and according to Hubby, um. . .ill suited to our collective sense of decor. (I think that's a nice way to put it) So we will probably pull out one of the recliners that we were using in the studio. Most of the stuff in the kitchen has been washed and put away, and we found a new coffee maker at a thrift shop for 5 bucks. The last one didn't survive the year in storage very well, must have been hot in there. And the microwave is off the floor and sitting on the sewing machine that I don't know how to use anyway.

My appetite seems to be returning, at least after I start eating. But I'm afraid of dinner tonight. Hubby has had a bit of trouble adapting to the electric stove. He doesn't believe that it gets hot unless you turn it above medium-high. And I don't know what he did with the pizza last night. But the score is currently Me 3, Hubby -2. Maybe I can get him to do microwaved pot-pies tonight, I know he's done that before.

You don't realize how much you sit until there is nothing to sit on. I don't mind the floor, but if you're over the age of 10 you only want to sit indian-style for so long. I think that we have a table lined up, but it won't have chairs. There's still so much to do, and I really don't want to bother after work.


(Arrgh! for some reason my computer isn't allowing me to pull up certian blogs, including mine! irritating!)

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