Dear snot it's not fair. Yesterday I was practically giddy. Today I want to crawl in a hole and. . .not even die, that would require too much effort. I'm so tired all of the time, give me a chance and I will fall asleep standing up.
And work is not helping. I may have hated working in the Music Box, but at least people could like me. Now I'm the terrible "Accounting Monster" that you blame everything on when you screw up. Or you battle the "AM" hoping it will give in and do your job for you. The "AM" is your enemy, and you cannot be nice, polite is even too much to ask unless someone else is standing there. I'm too tired to deal with this bullshit all of the time. And I'm not looking forward to telling them that I'm pregnant because it will lead to a whole new line of flase-caring-bullcrap that I don't want to have to act like I appriciate. I hate the fact that (even though I need it) I spend half of my lunch asleep in the car. I hate spending 9 hours a day in a room where people laugh at the email I send out to advertise a performance. I hate the fact that I can't talk on the phone without having what I say be taken out of context by one of the 5 people within easy earshot. 9 hours, and I can't get anyone to talk to me for 15 minutes.
Who knows, give me a few hours, or a night's sleep, and my mood may be on an upswing again.
At least I'm not so upset that I'm thinking about giving myself a haircut this time.
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