Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Ph34r teh Cut3 Ones

What more can I say?

Wooohoo! It only took me about six trys to get it up as my profile pix! I'd do a little dance, but I'm at work and I think that they'd dissaprove.



jayeofmanyhats said...

I love this pic! It is awesome. My brain is more like Srappy Doo. Always around, always starting the world's worst plot lines, and no one really wants it there

MezzoDragon said...

Velma got lost on bizzare tangents and forgotten when she wasn't needed. But when Scrappy got irritating people locked him up in the nearest thing he would fit in. Boxes, sarcophagi (what is the Plural form of that anyway?) I guess you're just lucky that you don't fit in the average UPS box.