So I know that most of us are Super Lazy when it comes to donating. It's not like we don't want to, or are greedy (most of the time) It's more like we just don't want to take the time to do it. But I have found an answer. Your Local Coinstar machine.
Apparently you can donate money to a number of different charities, including the Red Cross, through most of the machines you'll find in your local grocery store. And Coinstar doesn't charge a fee, so 100% of the donation goes to the charity. According to the Red Cross, if just HALF of the people living within 2 miles of a coinstar machine would donate $1 it would raise more than $65 Million dollars, now thats a lot of pennies. Not all of the stores allow donations on their property though so at the bottom of this post is a link to the Coinstar website. It can tell you the location of the Machines, if they accept donations, and to which charities. In Lodi, Raley's, Albertson's, and Save Mart all accept donations at their machines. I mean, if you just took a few seconds to dump your change in as you left the grocery store how much would you have donated by the end of the month?
There are no politics involved in this tragedy, just people. So empty your couch and look under the floormats of the car. Even I can spare a dollar in loose change for someone who has lost everything.
It amazes me how little people think about giving to human rights organizations, charity foundations, etc. until a tragedy arises. I'm not saying you're one of those people because you're obviously pretty conscious of relief efforts and ways to donate. In this current situation I think it's wholly immoral how America is more concerned about the price of gas going up than they are the people that have died, lost their home, lost their job, etc. because of the hurricane.
Anyway, just thought I'd share my musings on the situation with you.
Thank you so much for posting with your ideas/opinons, it's very cool to know that someone other than my friends has seen this.
I'd love to be able to stand here with my hand on my hips an da big smile to say "Why Yes I Do donate regularly!" But I really don't. It's kinda funny that in the last two months that I've had this blog, one of the reasons I wanted it in the first place hasn't come up. I do pay more attention when a tragedy strikes, at least to the world outside of my house.
Just about the only political issues I'm willing to make any kind of effort for are the ones concerning stem cell research and cloning. And I haven't written at all about my mother's disease, but that's OK-it means I havn't spent a day feeling totally overwhelmed by it. And some very close-minded people might try to say that it is selfish of me to only really pay attention to the things that effect me. But I say, YOU watch your Mother turn into a drooling invalid before her 50th birthday, and then, tell me you wouldn't want to prevent it from happening to anyone else. Especially when it's a disease that most people haven't even heard of, Let alone support.
I'll support tragedys-they can happen to anyone at any time.
And I will support my Mother.
Other than that- Leave me alone, I'm poor too.
That's a great idea! I used the coinstart thing once or twice, but I didn't know about the donation part. I already gave to the Red Cross, but this is good to keep in mind for the next time (because there will always be a next time, unfortunately)
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