I wonder if there were always nerds throughout the centuries. Was he the ancient Egyptian with the overbite and a collar made by his Mom that said "my Hieroglyphics are more uniform than yours"? Was he the guy running around the renaissance with breeches too short, shoes too long, and carrying the newest import from the east, the abacus? Was there a Neanderthal that learned how to make the first daisy chain for a female he liked, only to have it crushed beneath the impressively heavy rock of a "cooler" male? Maybe that's the real reason why St Paul (I think) embraced celibacy, and encouraged others to it. Perhaps he had been rejected so many times he just started saying that this was the way he preferred to live. Or maybe he just had trouble producing testosterone-I dunno. Anyway, Long live the Nerds!!
I can not resist being a nerd. But I can resist seeing that movie! HAHAHAHA
-See? I told ya, Bill Gates. I'm not sure what you have against a movie you haven't seen. But you won't see me watching "The Fast and the Furious" either.
-I didn't mean that all Nerds have trouble producing Testosterone-just him. After all if a nerd had no sex drive, where would all of the teen movies be? We'd miss all of those pathetic loosers that just want a girl-ANY girl to do ANYTHING to them.
I married a closet-nerd. He's one of two people I've met who have never felt like "Mr Cellophane". But he read my old chemisty text for fun. Weirdo
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