(I guess I should warn you that this might contain a spoiler or two-but you should already be aware of them.)
I hate it when people ruin a surprise. The ultimate was during a speech class. We were giving a Short subject (2-3 minute) speech on "Pet Peeves". I can't remeber what my subject was, but I remember about 20 seconds of someone else's. It went something like:
How many of you have seen "The Sixth Sense"?
(a little more than half of the class raises their hands)
Well how many of you already knew that BRUCE WILLIS WAS DEAD!? Someone told me before, blah blah blah. . .
The Sixth Sense had just left the theaters. I had missed it, but had every intention of watching it as soon as it came out on video. I just watched that movie for the first time about two months ago-and I'm pissed off all over again. I think the title of that speech Should have been "My Pet Peeve, ME!" HelllOOooo! You just ruined the movie for at least 20 people that I could see, SHIT. Moron.
Anyway, the reason for the Fantastic Four. I was reading an article about Jessica Alba and her role in "Into the Blue". First of all someone was questioning why she spent most of the movie in a bikini. I havn't seen the movie-but from what the trailers have indicated I think it was much more logical than, say, a parka. Yes it shows off her body, woop-de-doo, most bathing suits do. And in a movie so centered around the ocean, bathing suits of one or two peices make the most sense.
At the end of the Article they mentioned that she had been signed up for two more "Fantastic Four" movies. With this:
They get married"
Now, I appriciate the effort, but. . . isn't that something that every drooling fanboy who went to see the movie already knew? I think I knew that she was Reed's wife before I knew that she was Johnny's sister.
And thanks to my husband I will spend another day with "Dress to Kill" running through my head.
Wish I was "Running, jumping, climbing trees, putting on makeup when you get up into them."