It's actually getting quite late for me to still be sitting here doing this. I mean I really do have a lotta stuff that needs to get done this weekend. I have to go spend too much money at Delta's Bookstore first, and then Go do a buncha bookwork at the Music Box. So incredibly not looking forward to that.
To explain Agustus Gloop (who will be there after I get his pix off of the other computer I use) We saw the new Movie a couple of weeks ago, and I enjoyed it quite a bit. The music was fun, no big deal. Then last week we went to see Skeleton Key (which was alot better than I expected) and while we were waiting for the movie to start They payed two songs from Charlie and the Chocolate Factory-one of which was the Agustus Gloop song. Well that combined with the fact that we started rehersal for "It Must be Love" and Hugo sings it everyday has led to a continuous loop of the four lines I know going through my head for the last week. At least I'm not doing the dance.
And a huge thanks to the Walrus who told me how to adjust the links on the side bar. Go check them out, unless your one of those stuck-up snobs who is too good for comics. If you have one that you read-please tell me! After all there isn't too much time added to checking for updates after you've finished the archives. Or if you're intrested but don't share my tastes, check out the directory. I've found it to be easier to use and more comprehensive than other online comic sites.
So much for making this a really short post
hey tell hugo i miss him....do you guys need help with props or set or ANYTHING? would love to be involved....here is my site where my blog is, but i am warning you now mine isn't nearly as much fun as yours!
Arrrgh!! Turdmonkeys!
Looks like I can only access the "comments" on your blog from Home!! (Stupid Sitefilter/Firewall thingy at work!) And I will most certianly pass on the offer to help with anything-heck I might need help just changing- I havn't even counted how many different outfits I'm gonna need! Oh, and Rich is writing a play right now that we might be doing at Kileys after "Bell Book and Candle" (if it turns out as well as expected)
As for fun-I did say that everyone likes baby animals didn't I??
ps: thanks for coming by and commenting Lace- Miss ya!
pass on: as in communitcate to- NOT as in Pass Up!
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