Sing to me of sorrow and love for such is life. (Oh, and Cheese, Don't forget the Cheese!) Ok I admit it, more Cheese than anything else.
Wednesday, August 31, 2005
Someone has stolen the Ruby Slippers! Really, one of four pairs that Judy Garland wore in "The Wizard of OZ" has been stolen. Not the pair that was in the Smithsonian-I'd like to see somebody break in there. . . I mean in the sense that it would be very difficult, not that I want to see such a valuable resourse plundered. After all, I want to go back someday. Ya know, when there isn't evil chaperones breathing down your neck, and stupid roommates who don't share your intrests and can't be bothered with what you want to see. I'd have a lot more fun now. I guess it's just one more thing to do, someday, when I have money.
And boy is my tounge tired!

Ya know, most people throw their popsicle sticks away when they're done with them. Who first said "I'm gonna save a whole bunch of these little guys and then glue them together into a boat that I can sail around in"? Better yet, who decided that this was the kind of title you wanted to compete for: "Biggest Boat made out of Popsicle Sticks" 15 MILLION to be exact... Thats a lot of funny colored tounges.
Tuesday, August 30, 2005 penis

Monday, August 29, 2005
Got Tissue?
Friday, August 26, 2005
Because I Love Jokes, But Can't Tell Them Worth Sh*t
The Nuns Enter Heaven
Three nuns died and visited St. Peter at the pearly gates. St. Peter said he would admit them if they each answer one question.
He turned to the first nun and asked, "Who was the first man?"
"Adam," the nun confidently replied. The trumpets sounded and the angels sang as the gates swung open and she walked into heaven.
St. Peter turned to the second nun. "Who was the first woman?""Eve," she replied. The trumpets sounded and the angels sang.
Then St. Peter turned to the last nun. "What was the first thing Eve said to Adam?"
The nun paused for a moment. "Gee, that's a hard one!"
The trumpets sounded and the angels sang.
Three nuns died and visited St. Peter at the pearly gates. St. Peter said he would admit them if they each answer one question.
He turned to the first nun and asked, "Who was the first man?"
"Adam," the nun confidently replied. The trumpets sounded and the angels sang as the gates swung open and she walked into heaven.
St. Peter turned to the second nun. "Who was the first woman?""Eve," she replied. The trumpets sounded and the angels sang.
Then St. Peter turned to the last nun. "What was the first thing Eve said to Adam?"
The nun paused for a moment. "Gee, that's a hard one!"
The trumpets sounded and the angels sang.
Thursday, August 25, 2005
Ya Learn Something New Every Day
Yup ya do. Like, for instance, at approximately 1 am Wednesday morning I learned that staples and fingers don't mix. My husband seems to think that I don't like pain. I don't know what gave him that idea, maybe it was the shriek that I let out when it happened. Or it could have been the wild dance I was doing to the rythmn of a string of hysterical profanity. Actually I think he said it was the fact that I stayed extremly pissed-off until I fell asleep. I can't figure out how you return to a good mood when it feels like everything from the wrist down is throbbing (which according to the man who injures himself regularly is typical of hitting bone-ugh) Yup, futher confirmation that I never want to break a bone.
It also made me feel really good about Rich going into the nursing program. I took one look at the piece of metal sticking out of my finger-I still can't figure out how it got there- and my mind shut off. I'd like to think that it would have turned back on in time to prevent myself from beating my hand against the counter of the Music Box in a blind panic to get it out, but I'm not so sure-whatever I did it wouldn't have been good. Luckily the master of physical misfortune was there to gently take my hand and pull the staple out. I can't believe that I was sane enough to register that he did an excellent job pulling it out without yanking at an angle, and that it could have hurt a whole lot more. He'll be great at giving shots whith minimum pain.
Just for review: Finger + Staple = Pain. Got that?
It also made me feel really good about Rich going into the nursing program. I took one look at the piece of metal sticking out of my finger-I still can't figure out how it got there- and my mind shut off. I'd like to think that it would have turned back on in time to prevent myself from beating my hand against the counter of the Music Box in a blind panic to get it out, but I'm not so sure-whatever I did it wouldn't have been good. Luckily the master of physical misfortune was there to gently take my hand and pull the staple out. I can't believe that I was sane enough to register that he did an excellent job pulling it out without yanking at an angle, and that it could have hurt a whole lot more. He'll be great at giving shots whith minimum pain.
Just for review: Finger + Staple = Pain. Got that?
I'm Smart! yup I am!
But apparently I am incapable of using this . . . Thingy. (How's that for Verbal Intelligence? Ha!)
Your IQ Is 125 |
Bye Pig I gotta go Now!
After seening Shanda's post/pig I did one too. I don't draw things on the computer very often so. . . here are my results: (but don't look/read if ya want to do it- go do it first)
Toward the middle, you are a realist.
Facing front, you are direct, enjoy playing devil's advocate and neither fear nor avoid discussions.
With many details, you are analytical, cautious, and distrustful. (though I may be: With few details, you are emotional and naive, they care little for details and are a risk-taker. I don't know)
With 4 legs showing, they are secure, stubborn, and stick to their ideals.
The size of the ears indicates how good a listener you are.The bigger the better. You drew medium sized ears, you are a good listener
The length of the tail indicates the quality of your sex life.And again more is better! You drew medium sized tail
Toward the middle, you are a realist.
Facing front, you are direct, enjoy playing devil's advocate and neither fear nor avoid discussions.
With many details, you are analytical, cautious, and distrustful. (though I may be: With few details, you are emotional and naive, they care little for details and are a risk-taker. I don't know)
With 4 legs showing, they are secure, stubborn, and stick to their ideals.
The size of the ears indicates how good a listener you are.The bigger the better. You drew medium sized ears, you are a good listener
The length of the tail indicates the quality of your sex life.And again more is better! You drew medium sized tail

Tuesday, August 23, 2005
Quiz- Yup, I feel kinda silly
I havn’t done one of these in years- the last two were the hardest.
Seven things I plan to do before I die:
1. Live in Hawaii
2. Learn how to ride a horse that’s going faster than a walk
3. Grow an herb garden
4. Own my own home
5. Get a motorcycle license
6. Have a child
7. Visit the Grecian Islands
Seven things I can do:
1. Sing
2. Knit a scarf
3. Cook anything I’ve attempted
4. A Cartwheel
5. Smile
6. Balance A Checkbook
7. Beat my little brother at most puzzle video games
Seven things I can’t do:
1. Sew
2. Use nail polish properly
3. Touch my toes
4. A Round-off
5. Whistle the Andy Griffith Theme without laughing if there is harmony involved
6. Beat my little brother at any other type of video game
7. Find value in myself
Seven things that attract you to the opposite sex:
1. Shoulders
2. Eyes
3. Intelligence
4. Sense of humor
5. Smile
6. Respect
7. Attitude
Seven things you say most:
1. Um
2. Yeah
3. Ok
4. So, I was . . .
5. Could you . . .
6. Should I . . .
7. Oh, Shitmonkeys/Cheesemonkeys
Seven celebrity crushes
1. Brad Pitt (Meet Joe Black- How can you not love him after the peanut butter?)
2. Yul Brenner
3. Jason Scott Lee
4. Brendan Fraser
5. Johnny Depp
6. Ken Watanabe
7. Tamahome, from Fushigi Yugi (I don’t care if it is a cartoon-it still made me cry at the end)
Seven people you’d like to take this quiz
1. Rich
2. Lacey
3. the Dog
4. Brian
5. Kenny
6. Aunt Terry
7. Marty
Seven things I plan to do before I die:
1. Live in Hawaii
2. Learn how to ride a horse that’s going faster than a walk
3. Grow an herb garden
4. Own my own home
5. Get a motorcycle license
6. Have a child
7. Visit the Grecian Islands
Seven things I can do:
1. Sing
2. Knit a scarf
3. Cook anything I’ve attempted
4. A Cartwheel
5. Smile
6. Balance A Checkbook
7. Beat my little brother at most puzzle video games
Seven things I can’t do:
1. Sew
2. Use nail polish properly
3. Touch my toes
4. A Round-off
5. Whistle the Andy Griffith Theme without laughing if there is harmony involved
6. Beat my little brother at any other type of video game
7. Find value in myself
Seven things that attract you to the opposite sex:
1. Shoulders
2. Eyes
3. Intelligence
4. Sense of humor
5. Smile
6. Respect
7. Attitude
Seven things you say most:
1. Um
2. Yeah
3. Ok
4. So, I was . . .
5. Could you . . .
6. Should I . . .
7. Oh, Shitmonkeys/Cheesemonkeys
Seven celebrity crushes
1. Brad Pitt (Meet Joe Black- How can you not love him after the peanut butter?)
2. Yul Brenner
3. Jason Scott Lee
4. Brendan Fraser
5. Johnny Depp
6. Ken Watanabe
7. Tamahome, from Fushigi Yugi (I don’t care if it is a cartoon-it still made me cry at the end)
Seven people you’d like to take this quiz
1. Rich
2. Lacey
3. the Dog
4. Brian
5. Kenny
6. Aunt Terry
7. Marty
Monday, August 22, 2005
Church Joke (funny-even if you don't like church)
How Much is a Sermon Worth?
One beautiful Sunday morning, a minister announced to his congregation: "My good people, I have here in my hands three sermons... a $100 sermon that lasts five minutes, a $50 sermon that lasts fifteen minutes, and a $10 sermon that lasts a full hour. Now, we'll take the collection and see which one I'll deliver."
One beautiful Sunday morning, a minister announced to his congregation: "My good people, I have here in my hands three sermons... a $100 sermon that lasts five minutes, a $50 sermon that lasts fifteen minutes, and a $10 sermon that lasts a full hour. Now, we'll take the collection and see which one I'll deliver."
Everybody Dance!
The saddest thing it that I maybe the only one who thinks of "Waiting for Guffman" when I read that line. I think that this was sent to me by my good friend Brian, but I'm not completely sure. So Check out the link below called "How to Dance Properly" It's always fun to watch people make fools of themselves, Right?
Of Course Right!
Of Course Right!
Sunday, August 21, 2005
Ain't it the Truth
If you have made mistakes, even serious mistakes, you may have a fresh start any moment you choose, for this thing we call "failure" is not the falling down, but the staying down.
-Mary Pickford
-Mary Pickford
Saturday, August 20, 2005
I really do have things to do

It's actually getting quite late for me to still be sitting here doing this. I mean I really do have a lotta stuff that needs to get done this weekend. I have to go spend too much money at Delta's Bookstore first, and then Go do a buncha bookwork at the Music Box. So incredibly not looking forward to that.
To explain Agustus Gloop (who will be there after I get his pix off of the other computer I use) We saw the new Movie a couple of weeks ago, and I enjoyed it quite a bit. The music was fun, no big deal. Then last week we went to see Skeleton Key (which was alot better than I expected) and while we were waiting for the movie to start They payed two songs from Charlie and the Chocolate Factory-one of which was the Agustus Gloop song. Well that combined with the fact that we started rehersal for "It Must be Love" and Hugo sings it everyday has led to a continuous loop of the four lines I know going through my head for the last week. At least I'm not doing the dance.
And a huge thanks to the Walrus who told me how to adjust the links on the side bar. Go check them out, unless your one of those stuck-up snobs who is too good for comics. If you have one that you read-please tell me! After all there isn't too much time added to checking for updates after you've finished the archives. Or if you're intrested but don't share my tastes, check out the directory. I've found it to be easier to use and more comprehensive than other online comic sites.
So much for making this a really short post
Thursday, August 18, 2005
What Have I Done!!

What was I thinking! I sent out an email telling a buncha people about this stupid site. What'll I do to keep them entertained????? I know, baby animals, thats it. . .(really its the only thing I have an hand on short notice)
But who doesn't like a baby that could run you down and hamstring you. . .at least if you're as terrible at running as I am.
Tuesday, August 16, 2005
Sunday, August 14, 2005
So who really needs rest on the weekends?
So I have spent the week in a half-asleep haze. Which is funny since I could have sworn that I got enough sleep. But anyway Friday night after work I got to rush home and pick up my husband to get him to the theater in time for call. But I pretty much got in the way 'till I was able to mooch the most uncomfortable chair ever to watch the show. If you are unaware the show I speak of is "Picasso at the Lapin Agile". They've done a beautiful job remodeling what is now known as the Empire Theater. I hope that at some point I get to have a chance to perform there. My husband did a wonderful job playing a flouncing "gay" man. Christina was terrific, and I can't figure out why she keeps asking Jaye if he washed everything-I can't imagine there's anything dirty left on stage at the end of the show. Seriously- she made a great deal out of what could have been a so-so character. And I adored Anna's costumes, especially the skirt she made for Annie. I enjoyed watching it very much and if anyone I didn't mention wants me to mention them all they have to do is ask. I'll also make fun of anyone if you ask. Have to be Equal Opportunity ya know.
I got to spend the first part of Saturday at the music box. I was reminded of why I was so desperate to get out of there. Not to say that I hate them or anything, but shit! I can't believe what I used to try to work with. And just Grrrrrr!! Then on to Kiley's for the closing of Twelve Angry Men. And being the last night there was a large number of breaks for various reasons. But it was a fun night and Everybody hung out for a while. It's always fun to do that with a group in which there are new stories to be told. Like Harry and Mike on stage in baby buggies trying to make each other break.
I'm really looking forward to staring rehearsal for "It Must Be Love" on Monday. Hubby is getting a little burnt out, but that's understandable at this point. I just think that it'll be lotsa fun working with both Rich and Hugo on another show. They seem to get along really well after sitting next to each other in "Men". I think I'm going to enjoy this show a lot more than I did the last one, Through no fault of the show. Just life.
Tomorrow then.
I got to spend the first part of Saturday at the music box. I was reminded of why I was so desperate to get out of there. Not to say that I hate them or anything, but shit! I can't believe what I used to try to work with. And just Grrrrrr!! Then on to Kiley's for the closing of Twelve Angry Men. And being the last night there was a large number of breaks for various reasons. But it was a fun night and Everybody hung out for a while. It's always fun to do that with a group in which there are new stories to be told. Like Harry and Mike on stage in baby buggies trying to make each other break.
I'm really looking forward to staring rehearsal for "It Must Be Love" on Monday. Hubby is getting a little burnt out, but that's understandable at this point. I just think that it'll be lotsa fun working with both Rich and Hugo on another show. They seem to get along really well after sitting next to each other in "Men". I think I'm going to enjoy this show a lot more than I did the last one, Through no fault of the show. Just life.
Tomorrow then.
Wednesday, August 10, 2005
Seriously, when I spell-checked I had written "Panny Fack"
I don’t think of myself as fat. But I do try to be somewhat realistic. I know that I am overweight and have developed a certain amount of flab. But I am also certain that it is my own fault. Granted I came from a clean-your-plate home, and most of my female family members are of a curvaceous nature. But I really wish that I had gotten into the habit of exercising when my metabolism was more active. Through high school I wore the same size pants and could eat more than most grown men. I don’t know a serving size that wasn’t at least doubled in our house. I briefly joined a gym in college, and I used it for a time. But it got to be kinda lonely and boring. There were never any classes in the middle of the day when I could take them- So I was just stuck doing the same boring machine rotation every time. And I did challenge myself. I got back to being able to do a twelve minute mile.
Ugh, before I do that again I want an ipod shuffle. It’s not like I need a huge amount of space. And anything much bigger you have to make arrangements for. I admit that when I used to use the treadmill I wore a fanny pack for my cd player. If the damn thing wasn’t placed in just the right spot it would spend more time skipping than playing. From what I understand mp3s don’t skip. Buy I need something, because thinking about exercising and the way my body feels is the absolute last way to keep me motivated. I’m tired, and no-one reads this anyway,
Don’t you just love that feeling. When you wake up in the morning and sometime in the night all of the covers have come loose from the bed. and at some point in your sleep you made a comfortable little nest for yourself, with crumpled bedclothes cocooning you. . .snuggle
I saw a couple of birds attending their nest today. Very calming.
Ugh, before I do that again I want an ipod shuffle. It’s not like I need a huge amount of space. And anything much bigger you have to make arrangements for. I admit that when I used to use the treadmill I wore a fanny pack for my cd player. If the damn thing wasn’t placed in just the right spot it would spend more time skipping than playing. From what I understand mp3s don’t skip. Buy I need something, because thinking about exercising and the way my body feels is the absolute last way to keep me motivated. I’m tired, and no-one reads this anyway,
Don’t you just love that feeling. When you wake up in the morning and sometime in the night all of the covers have come loose from the bed. and at some point in your sleep you made a comfortable little nest for yourself, with crumpled bedclothes cocooning you. . .snuggle
I saw a couple of birds attending their nest today. Very calming.
Monday, August 08, 2005
What would YOU do for a Klondike Bar?
NOOOOO! Great mounds of Irritatation!! Somewhere between the writing and publishing of this entry it has dissapeared. I am not rewriting the whole thing, it was just rambling about jingles getting stuck in your head and how much I wanted sugar.
So this is my space to say anything right?
I just think that it's bizzare to see some one walk into another person's cubicle when they're gone for the sole purpose of using the box of Kleenex. (Esp when the nose-blower is the person is charge of office supplies)
It just strikes me as weird.
I just think that it's bizzare to see some one walk into another person's cubicle when they're gone for the sole purpose of using the box of Kleenex. (Esp when the nose-blower is the person is charge of office supplies)
It just strikes me as weird.
Saturday, August 06, 2005
Last night was terrible. Stunk. Really shitty. Basicaly the only time I'm inspired to write the jibberish I call poetry. Love it or hate it, or don't even read it.
The One-Way Mirror
There is no moon tonight
only the stench of
self-fulfilling prophesy
On the edge of a
piece of broken gless
dance a hundred dreams,
a thousand nightmares
The heart reaches out
like a python
Strangling what it needs
to survive
You look into the girl's eyes
as she is pinned to the floor.
Why doesn't she yell?
Why doesn't she even try?
Somehow I am convinced
even the ugliest person
can be made beautiful
with wings
How many times do you look
and see the same thing
but dream
that there is a difference
Why do you let her wear that?
You know it's not good
how sadistic
is your friendship
Why does the no-shit person
end up ignored
when people say
they can't stand all the bullshit
Sorry, I forgot my shovel
Kiss my ass
For a person who doesn't want war
you are very happy
to make a private war
with anyone who disagrees
I am tired of dancing for pennies
I want to shine
in Gold
How shallow
to be in love
'till she's fat
Gay guys still love ya though
I arm wrestled
a mongoose once
It was very akward
just like that word, akward
I want to curl up in a corner
like a cat
or some other
Slinky, boneless animal
My head is pounding,
will someone please
tell them to go away.
I don't do food drives
Wonder if anyone
ever drowned
in drool
-I sleep
on my stomach.
The One-Way Mirror
There is no moon tonight
only the stench of
self-fulfilling prophesy
On the edge of a
piece of broken gless
dance a hundred dreams,
a thousand nightmares
The heart reaches out
like a python
Strangling what it needs
to survive
You look into the girl's eyes
as she is pinned to the floor.
Why doesn't she yell?
Why doesn't she even try?
Somehow I am convinced
even the ugliest person
can be made beautiful
with wings
How many times do you look
and see the same thing
but dream
that there is a difference
Why do you let her wear that?
You know it's not good
how sadistic
is your friendship
Why does the no-shit person
end up ignored
when people say
they can't stand all the bullshit
Sorry, I forgot my shovel
Kiss my ass
For a person who doesn't want war
you are very happy
to make a private war
with anyone who disagrees
I am tired of dancing for pennies
I want to shine
in Gold
How shallow
to be in love
'till she's fat
Gay guys still love ya though
I arm wrestled
a mongoose once
It was very akward
just like that word, akward
I want to curl up in a corner
like a cat
or some other
Slinky, boneless animal
My head is pounding,
will someone please
tell them to go away.
I don't do food drives
Wonder if anyone
ever drowned
in drool
-I sleep
on my stomach.
Thursday, August 04, 2005
Dang Movie
I really need to remember that I am no longer able to stay up past 11 on a worknight. :p
It's just not fair for me to get intrested in a movie when I should be sleeping ya know? Let me tell you, don't start Cold Mountian at 9:30 and expect to fall asleep in the first fifteen minutes, Unless you can fall asleep to explosions and screaming and gunfire and all sorts of general nastiness. Normally I can. I can fall asleep to just about anything, except movies I havn't seen. Though I will admit that it does happen on occasion. Just enough to make me think that I can do it anytime I want. I fell asleep to the commentary of Rashomon just night before last, and I was actually intrested in what he was saying! I think maybe when its new I try not to blink or something. I think that everybody has experienced going to a movie and having to practically lick your eyeballs like a gecko to regain the ability to close them. Also fun if you have a tendancy to clench your jaw when tense. I've left some movies feeling like my face has been run over. This time, just really sleepy.
It's just not fair for me to get intrested in a movie when I should be sleeping ya know? Let me tell you, don't start Cold Mountian at 9:30 and expect to fall asleep in the first fifteen minutes, Unless you can fall asleep to explosions and screaming and gunfire and all sorts of general nastiness. Normally I can. I can fall asleep to just about anything, except movies I havn't seen. Though I will admit that it does happen on occasion. Just enough to make me think that I can do it anytime I want. I fell asleep to the commentary of Rashomon just night before last, and I was actually intrested in what he was saying! I think maybe when its new I try not to blink or something. I think that everybody has experienced going to a movie and having to practically lick your eyeballs like a gecko to regain the ability to close them. Also fun if you have a tendancy to clench your jaw when tense. I've left some movies feeling like my face has been run over. This time, just really sleepy.
Wednesday, August 03, 2005
How Rude!
Ya know I think that rants are well and good. After all we all need to pound our head against a wall and feel like someone might understand at times. But I think that if you are angry at someone, you should express that in your own space. If you don't have a space, get one it's easy. Hell, I did it! So it's gotta be REALLY easy. I hold no illusions that I am liked by everyone, I'm too honest with my opinions to be well liked. But I think that it shows a huge absence of manners to go onto someone else's site and insult anyone who would be friends with them. I don't care what in what way the individual may have wronged you. I may think that AlGore is a talking tree stump but I would never say that anyone who supported him was just a toadstool growing off of his mulch. I respect my friends and while we may not like all of the same people, I'm not going to say that anyone who would spend time with someone who dyes their hair lemon yogurt yellow is a moron. Now the person who thinks that that shade of yellow looks natural and flattering is another story. :)
Ok, I think I'm done.
Ok, I think I'm done.
Tuesday, August 02, 2005
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