I've actually got lots of post-surgery pictures, but I don't think that I'll post most of them.

It's hard to tell in these pictures, but they had to leave his chest open for a few days after surgery. The white-ish thing was a thin plastic sheet that went down into the wound to protect it. I was really glad that they put the opaque mask there, because it was disturbing enough to be able to see his heart moving that clearly without actually being able to see it. Then over the top was that yellow-ish film thingy keeping every nice and sterile, and I think the second sheet lower down on his chest was to keep his ribs from spreading too far. The swelling never got too bad but there was enough room to put my pinky under the second film into his chest.

This was after they closed his chest for the first time. But he did so well that they opened him to remove an assisting device later that day. The little guy kept fighting the sedation and trying to breathe on his own.
It's funny how much I couldn't wait to hear him cry again.
There are times when I'm frustrated with him, and it's good for me to remember that.
On a lighter note, I fell asleep when I got home last night and missed the first twenty-something minutes of AI. But the girls were sooo much better than the guys. Only one girl did badly enough that I would be surprised to see her make it through. And there were at least five that I want to hear again. But I'm confused as to how many people will be leaving tonight. 6? 4? 2? of each? Total? I dunno, guess it doesn't really matter.
I need to get to work. I'd be able to do this at home if I could just get someone to put the desk together.