There's nothing like seeing a jerk get in trouble to improve your mood.
Since they closed Lower Sac for repairs the drive in the morning has gotten longer. And though Davis is a little farter away, it makes up for it in a LOT less traffic overall. But 12 can be a bit on the crowded (if still going 65) side. So you drive a little cautiously-because you know they refer to it as "Blood Alley" for good reason, and people are stupid. When ,you look in the rear view mirror, and right on cue an idiot in a white car pulls right up to your bumper. You hope that you showered well this morning 'cause their nose is up your ass. There is a stream of cars going by to your left, so this intelligent person decides to put his car half in the dirt to pass you on the right and wedge himself in between you and the little red car in front of you. Asshole. Then seeing a gap in oncoming traffic the white car passes the red car on the left.
Rich was driving-and this is what was going through his head:
"That's a really stupid thing to do seeing how many cops. . .there. . ."
All of the cars moved to the side of the road as a police car twinkled on by. And just before we got to the turn lane for Davis, there was the cop, parked behind a certian white car.
yup, smug
after all those times where you really wish there had been a cop to see how some jerk cut you off, FINALLY one got caught.
I could, say just in case I happen to know the person driving the car, and they happen to read this, that I don't mean to cause offense.
But I would be lying.
And I think that the white car got exactly what he deserved, and I think fines in that area may even be a little higher because of the high accident rate.
Smug is a warm cuddly blanket at the moment, all I need is some cocoa.
devilish laugh)