Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Sonogram #3

Profile at 21 Weeks. Yes! My baby has a brain!

Ok, these next two aren't showing up quite as nicely as the last one. But,

This sure LOOKS like a boy in this picture. What you are seeing are his knees and. . . well you are looking at a view from the bottom, so yeah, looks like a boy to me.

We've got a whole bunch more, but at the end, after being prodded around for a good ten minutes we got to watch our newly male baby rub it's eyes and yawn. Hubby just about wet himself, and the tech got a picture of the second one.

So, I now have a digital camera thanks to Hubby. It was the one thing I really wanted for my birthday (last Monday). I really prefer to be surprised by presents, but this was something that we were going to have to get soon anyway. I just haven't gotten around to reading most of the instruction manual, or sneaking it to work and doing some covert uploading. :)

For Hubby's B-day (Last Friday) I got him (with huge help from Dad) This Tascam 8-track digital recording mixing board thingy. . . Eh, I could probably think of the correct name for it but that would take more brain than I want to invest at the moment. He was BUGGING me about the 4-track version that records onto a regular cassette tape for WEEKS. To the point of asking me about it every day. He went into the store and made sure Dad knew what he wanted, so that I would get him the right thing. Dad surprised both of us by giving him the (much) nicer one. I still need to give him money-but that's an advantage to purchasing gifts at the family store- a very flexible payment plan :) So, to warn you, if you visit anytime in the next month Hubby will herd you into what has become the baby's room/recording studio. Though I must admit, the "World's Biggest Desk" almost works in there.


Friday, April 21, 2006

Wait. . . Strike that, Reverse it.

Last night we had another sonogram.

Did you know that a baby is not officially "diagnosed" as female until 24 Weeks?

Our baby appears to have suffered a misdiagnosis.

'cause that SURE LOOKS like a scrotum now to me.

I think we just had a better tech this time. I think the last one saw that I was 17W 6D and blew us off. This one did the measurements and said. . ."What are you having?"
"They said it was a girl last time" She gets a funny look on her face. "Why? Does it not look like one now?"
"Well. . ." She turns the monitor so I can see and points "THAT sure looks like a boy to me"

When we brought Hubby in he just about choked on his tounge.

Serves him right. As we were about to go in he pressed on my stomach as a joke. NOT very funny considering that you are supposed to have your bladder as full as you can stand when getting this ultrasound. Better yet was this terrible feeling that followed. . . a couple of jabs of extreme pressure that were almost too much to hold. It took me a few seconds to realize that the baby was kicking my very full bladder. J o y .

I'll post more when I add the pictures - there are a lot, and only one that looks disturbingly skull-like. But it probably won't be till monday.

See you soon!

Friday, April 07, 2006

"I follow"

Ha hA!! I even used a song as the title of the post!

I had my ipod in my purse! So I was able to take the Walrus's challenge! Actually it was pretty fun. Basically, choose a "band" and use their song titles to answer the questions.

Band: Audra McDonald

Are you male or female? Mistress of the Senator

Describe yourself. Any Place I Hang My Hat is Home

How do some people feel about you? A Tragic Story

How do you feel about yourself? See What I Wanna See

Describe your ex: Beat My Dog

Describe your current significant other: You Don't Know This Man/I Must Have That Man!

Describe where you want to be: Way Back to Paradise

Describe how you live: Ain't It The Truth?/Baby Moon

Describe how you love: More Than You Know

What would you ask for if you had just one wish? How Glory Goes

Share a few words of wisdom: I Double Dare You

Now say goodbye: Lay Down Your Head.

Wow, I really need to listen to these albums more often!

Hee! Cheese!

Monday, April 03, 2006

It's a. . . skull

I have discovered, sonograms can be creepy. I loved seeing my baby again, but it was just a little disturbing to see a little skull so clearly. It makes perfect sense that the harder surface of the bone would show up more clearly, so I'm not suddenly worried that my baby has no face, or something equally silly. I just wish that I'd gotten more than a quick glimpse of the facial features. (pause for rejection of breakfast) And I wish she hadn't given us a picture of our baby that looks like a prop in a horror movie. I don't know if I'll post either of the pictures she gave us, they're a little bit darker and more difficult to make out.

Anyway, we got a nice view from underneath, and even without the tech's opinion it was obvious. Negitive on the penis. In fact, there was a distinct impression of skin that featured the opposite. So now, we can stop fumbling around when we talk about the baby and just say "She". Funny, it actually takes some getting used to. And during the whole procedure She was much more active than we had seen her last time. Between her movement, and the fact that She was 17 weeks 6 days, we were asked to come back for additional measurements in a few weeks. Ooh, boy! I get to spend another few hours trying not to wet my pants. Yay.

Afterward, we went an got something to eat, and then went back by Babies-R-Us. Mostly, I wanted to get another look at the girl-oriented crib sets. I am Not a girly-girl. But Hubby made me promise weeks ago that until she says otherwise, our baby gets to be as girly as we can stand. Cathy promises me that it's actually fun when it's for your daughter and not you And I am perfectly willing to believe that. But I am not going to be saddled with some hideously frilly, flowery crib set if I can find anyway to avoid it. It was very reassuring to go and find that there were a handful of pink things that I would be able to stand. Better yet, Hubby and I agreed on which one we like best. But we still plan on waiting to register till we're a little closer to the first shower date. It was a lot of fun just to be able to go through and look at things a little closer.

I'm almost certian I've felt her move. It was similar the gas bubbles but it felt more, solid, I guess. Eh, I could be wrong. Either way I'm happy.
