Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Eating with the idols

Little guy is eating everything we put in front of him, except his captopril. The pharmacy tech who mixed it was a lazy a** and made it as a water solution instead of sugar. Hubby didn't want to wait another hour and a half for the guy to do it so he just took it. Personally I would have waited, but then I was the only one who had to give him this form of meds before. It only took one try for him to figure out why I was upset. They told me that I could mix it into other things to make it taste better but the kid isn't fooled. suckage. But he's chowing down on bananas and sweet potatos. He had no intrest in rice cereal before, but he kept trying to get into other people's food. So I gave him a little bit of a banana I was eating. For whatever reason he likes the rice now that he's tried other things. But I don't feel like he's nursing any less. We feed him gooshy food until he's done, and then he nurses like he hadn't eaten at all. I'm hoping that he's gaining wait a little better because of it. Last month he'd finally hit 13 pounds. Right now he's giving me a big ol' smile every time I look down.

Breathing on his own again.

He may not have been smiling yet, but you could tell he was excited to see us.

Right after we found out that we were going home without the NG.

Sixteen days post-surgery

So hubby was right, Antonella made it through American Idol last week on the horny male vote. And who knows how Sundance survived. Last night though, he did much better. Though someone needs to give the guy a copy of "The Commitments". Mustang Sally sounds pale every time I hear someone else do it now. After last night I would get rid of any of three guys, AJ, Nick, or Brandon. Nick's "Fever" was bland. Brandon's "Time After Time" was pretty boring and he makes me want to clear my throat, it sounds like he's got a cotton-ball soaked in cranberry juice stuffed in there. And AJ, didn't have the growl or the soul to pull off "Feelin' Good". I know the judges liked him, but I didn't. I liked Sanjaya, but if he makes it through this week maybe he should ask Chris S. to help him make a smarter song choice. Overall the guys did much better this week

I'm not going to bother reading the reviews posted on Yahoo by "Television Without Pity" anymore. I don't think the guy knows enough about music to fill a mixtape. And I don't think that he's capable of being objective. Though he is right about Phil being similar to Magni from Rockstar:Supernova. I'll stick with the MSNBC site from now on.

On to the girls!

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